View Full Version : Robot racing gets under way

10-03-2005, 09:53 AM
43 contestants battling for a spot in a government-sponsored desert race intended to speed development of unmanned military combat vehicles

Participants ranging from souped-up SUVs to military behemoths will be graded on how well they can self-drive on rough road, make sharp turns and avoid obstacles -- hay bales, trash cans, wrecked cars -- while relying on GPS navigation and sensors, radar, lasers and cameras that feed information to computers.

The robots also have to heed speed limits in certain zones and pass through a 100-foot-long tunnel designed to temporarily knock out their GPS capabilities.


I am shocked!

10-04-2005, 06:27 AM
Damn, those are definitely cool looking combat vehicles!

10-05-2005, 03:34 AM
Very interesting, I had started to notice over a short period of time the increase of DC electric motor enquiries.

I can recall seeing the first actual running robot (news article in Japan).

We are not too many years away from seeing in real life robots simular in design and functions as to the ones we see in movies such as iRobot.

10-05-2005, 05:35 AM
Originally posted by monaro
Very interesting, I had started to notice over a short period of time the increase of DC electric motor enquiries.

I can recall seeing the first actual running robot (news article in Japan).

We are not too many years away from seeing in real life robots simular in design and functions as to the ones we see in movies such as iRobot.
Military will benifit these inventions first before civilians could.