View Full Version : Spam Lawsuit?

12-22-2002, 04:40 AM
The front page of xnations has some news items, one of them is an article about the Washington Attorney General going after some spammer. The news article says "It wouldn't surprise me to discover that he has sent out millions of spams nationwide, including thousands into this state."

It would seem to me that our government is so fucking far behind the times..... Anyone can buy "millions" of email addresses and spam them. If this guy is only sending "thousands" of emails to the State of Washington, well, this guy is the least of their problems.

Here's the news clip:

The attorney general went to law school; Not a computer school. They truly have no idea what they are doing when it comes to the Internet.

12-22-2002, 05:28 AM
gregoire is pretty much a tool.

I collect spams I get with blatantly deceptive subject lines. Once I get a batch of 20 of them. I decide it's worth my time to do a whois on the sender's isp and the isp of the affilate program. if either are US Based - i store it. WA states attorney general is pretty against deceptive emails - you can seek up to 500 in fine/damages or someshit.

Fuck yeh, I belive in email marketing, it's great. it's easy to make money at it. but if ya break the rules - hell i'll make money off the other side of the coin too. =)

oh well... back to exploiting college girls

12-22-2002, 05:33 AM
aight - just skimmed the story. sounds like i was half right... but the fine imposed was 2,000$. (if he can pay it) Somewhere recently i remember hearing that the "victims" if you can call them that - can get up to $500 of that for their pain.

honestly - free money is cool. but doesn't the state have better things to prosecute??

12-22-2002, 01:02 PM
Spam is spam. For right now it's just a part of life. The fucking post office makes money off of spam junk mail; Why can't it be done on the Internet? When I get junk mail I've got to carry that shit to the garbage. It's much easier to delete the spam from my inbox.

Althought the spam in Spanish is starting to get to me.

Only once did I complain about spam. It was this farm animal stuff that I couldn't stand. I'd get the same one every day. This spam mail came into my personal email address, which no one in the industry knows. So I deleted the email address, and null routed all the email to their support. Problem solved.

Evil Chris
12-22-2002, 02:19 PM
One of the things that has become problematic is that people are considering just about *anything* that doesn't come directly from a friend or family member as spam now.
They don't seem to care that they signed up for this list or that, or are subscribing (actively) to this product or that.
The powers that be don't care either. Once they get a complaint, the ball is in motion, and the sender has to eat it.
So that sucks...

We, as webmasters aren't helping the situation by complaining publicly on boards saying someone (another webmaster) is spamming them. While it's true that some webmasters go overboard with their marketing, most of us don't.

12-22-2002, 02:35 PM
Chris - Spam is Spam is Spam.

In the next two years I see some serious problems with Spam. Molly the homemaker, who spents her days watching her 2.5 kids, gets tired of getting 100 emails and only two that are worth reading. I can see how it gets old.

I pick up email from six different email addresses, some of which are not related to the industry. I also pick up "blanket staff email" from all of the Lightspeed Media sites. Who sends spam to support@tawneestone.com?

Spam is kiilling email. Plain and simple.