View Full Version : MagnaRX - Bigger Is Better! - $100 Payouts!

11-02-2005, 02:21 PM
MagnaRX - Bigger Is Better! - $100 Payouts

We want to thank all of Magna-RX’s (http://www.magna-rx.com)existing and new affiliates for their hard work during our 2-week $60 payout promo in October. The bump in sales is unbelievable and you guys definitely exceeded our expectations!

To show our appreciation to everyone who participated, MagnaRX has decided to make November a month to recognize and give thanks to all affiliates.

We have decided to have $100 Payouts - once a week for 4 weeks!

That means one day a week for 4 weeks you can earn $100 for EVERY MagnaRX Signup, during the month of November! Not only does this apply to our existing affiliates but any new affiliates that sign up (http://www.wegcash.com) and send traffic during the month of November.

This means major bucks for you hardcore affiliates. AND we’ve also created some new banners and half page ads to help you push the product. Now that MagnaRX is featured in Men’s Health, Maxim and GNC – the MagnaRX brand has become a household name to consumers everywhere!

Start getting ready because the days will be randomly chosen and every day you miss sending sales you could be missing out on a lot of cash..!!

So let the games begin and start making that big money!

And remember, with MagnaRX – Bigger Is Better!

New Affiliates sign up here (http://www.wegcash.com)

11-03-2005, 04:14 AM
this is a great news. congrats on your payout promo.