View Full Version : Bank On The Colin Farrell Tape

01-20-2006, 05:27 PM
RevshareRewards.com (http://revsharerewards.com/affiliates/ref.php?w=100009) are promoting the Colin Farrell tape on http://www.MaleCelebsUnzipped.com (http://www.malecelebsunzipped.com/index.php?id=1234000009) !!

Make up to 75% revshare from the people who gave you (and paid everyone) for the original Hilton and Chyna tapes amongst MANY others !!!

Proven performance pays.

Bank your celeb traffic right now !!!

RevshareRewards.com (http://revsharerewards.com/affiliates/ref.php?w=100009)

01-20-2006, 05:55 PM
If you only had Jared Leto instead.... *wistful sigh*

(That was a "personal preference" thing. I've seen "Alexander" a dozen times *in spite* of Colin Farrell.)

Good luck with it, George! :)

01-23-2006, 01:49 AM
Too bad,I haven't seen that clip yet, even up to now.. :(

01-23-2006, 11:22 AM
What on earth posesses people to allow themselves to be filmed in compromising positions? I gather that the lady involved was no lady and filmed the session without Farrell's permission, perhaps...but there have been so many films released, sold, stolen, whatever, where the people involved filmed it deliberately. And then...oh, the shock, the embarrassment!...the film was made public. They *always* are, for heaven's sake.

I had a rather lovely negligee photograph taken once when I was young by an old boyfriend. It was one of those pics that just came out well despite my being in it. I wasn't nude...but I still wasn't comfortable until the damned thing was destroyed. So, I can sort of understand how two people would get carried away and do something on film...but famous people? I swear they do it on purpose in the hopes they'll get even more famous by the "accidental" release of the tape.

Let's face it, Colin Farrell fucking isn't news. He hits anything that slows down long enough.

01-23-2006, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by MorganGrayson
What on earth posesses people to allow themselves to be filmed in compromising positions? I gather that the lady involved was no lady and filmed the session without Farrell's permission, perhaps...but there have been so many films released, sold, stolen, whatever, where the people involved filmed it deliberately. And then...oh, the shock, the embarrassment!...the film was made public. They *always* are, for heaven's sake.

Fame does not = intelligence. In fact, I am pretty sure its near the exact opposite.

01-23-2006, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by Quagmire
Fame does not = intelligence. In fact, I am pretty sure its near the exact opposite.

There is a strong possibility that you have to be intellectually challenged to want to be famous in the first place.

I've seen Colin Farrell on the "Tonight Show," and even heard three or four words they allowed out of his mouth. The rest were "bleeps." Now, I have nothing against swearing. I couldn't get through a day without saying something that would take the pain right off the walls...but I'm selective as to where I do it.