View Full Version : Happy birthday barbie

03-08-2006, 12:49 PM
Born on march 8 1959, Barbie was released for sale.

she's an old broad... but still hot....

03-08-2006, 01:16 PM
I actually thought she was older than that. (Apologies, girlfriend, you don't look your age. You don't look real, either, but the same can be said of most ladies moving down the red carpet at the Oscars.)

I remember when Barbie had solid legs and a best friend named Midge.

I remember what a BFD it was when they began to release Barbies that *weren't* blue-eyed blondes with pale skin.

My Barbie dream house was made out of cardboard when I was a kid.

My first sexual disappointment in life came from my Ken doll. I couldn't wait to get one, so that I could yank his swim trunks down and finally find out what this mysterious difference between females and males was. *sigh* Nude, he looked just like Barbie. No help there...unless...there actually *was* no anatomical difference between males and females and it had all been just an elementary school rumour. (I know that sounds insane, but it really happened.)

I remember when Barbie began to have "careers" instead of elaborate weddings.

I remember the very first $150 Barbie I saw in a store and nearly choking with disbelief.

I tried to disuade my daughters against ever wanting the things...and failed. *sigh* Kids are powerfully influenced by other kids and commercials. At least by then Barbie had careers and brown skin. She still had that rediculous figure, though and the shoes would never stay on.

Thanks for the trip down various memory lanes, Bhelliom!
