View Full Version : Do you remember....?

03-14-2006, 02:04 PM
Every detail of everything you've done in your entire life and when it happened?

well this woman does... this is really really impressive.

Scientists awed by `human calendar'
Stunned by woman's near-perfect ability to recall big events and the tiniest details
Mar. 14, 2006. 05:05 AM

California researchers have uncovered a woman with a memory so detailed and unusual they have quite literally never seen anything like it.

Give her a date and she can tell you what took place — whether it was the final episode of the television soap-opera Dallas, the day actor Robert Blake's wife was killed, the day of the Lockerbie plane crash, the Iranian invasion of the U.S. Embassy, the day Proposition 13 passed in California or the day a plane crashed in Chicago. She can tell you what she was doing at the time. She remembers the weather.

Her life is like a movie on an endless loop, full of emotion. She cannot escape any good or bad thing that ever happened to her.

Asked in November 2003 to list every Easter since 1980, the 40-year-old Jewish woman provided researchers with a list of 24 dates that had one single error. She included details of what she was doing on each of the days.

Rest of article here

absolutely unreal

Evil Chris
03-14-2006, 02:37 PM
I'm not sure I'd want to remember that vividly about everything.
Some things yes... like every day of our son's life.

I guess that's why we take so many pictures of him.

03-14-2006, 03:02 PM
That, frankly, is my definition of hell. One of the greatest gifts humans have ever been given is the ability to forget.

There is an episode in my life that is so painful and vivid that discussing it today, some 30 years later, will reduce me to shaking tears. I once asked a doctor when I'd be able to forget. He said I never would, that my aim was to put it in perspective. It struck me as the emotional equivelent of "don't think about elephants."

An entire life like that? I think I would have bit down on the cyanide pill a very long time ago.

Chris...be careful what you wish for. You aren't going to want to remember *every* minute. I still wish I could get the mental image of my sobbing youngest, who, at the age of two took a header down the back concrete steps. My husband brought her in, and with every ounce of strength I had I removed the bloody mass from her mouth. I thought she'd bitten off her tongue...but she'd had a mouthful of graham cracker when she fell. She's 24 now...and she wishes she could forget it, too. (I also wish I could forget the image of my mother, the coward, flinging herself backwards out of the room so that she didn't witness any of that. I never quite forgave her despite coming to understand and accept that some people are strong and some people aren't.)

All my kids have had days/weeks/years that I'd like to forget. It hurts like hell to be a kid...and it hurts even worse to be the parent of a kid that hurts like hell.

I think high school should be outlawed, frankly.

03-14-2006, 04:23 PM
God, I would not want to remember everything in vivid detail, there are some things that I have worked very hard to forget, and I basically have forgotten, or at least locked deep enough in my mind that unless someone says something that specifically speaks to that incident/memory, I simply don't recall them...

03-14-2006, 05:01 PM
I think most men agree that they are married to women who claim to have the same ability

03-14-2006, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by TheLegacy
I think most men agree that they are married to women who claim to have the same ability


Naughty, naughty, my Robert! http://www.porn-sex-adult-xxx.com/smilies/hearts.gif

03-14-2006, 09:19 PM
Oh my, she's a walking CPU.