View Full Version : survived my 1st week!!

06-30-2006, 12:36 AM
well folks, it's now midnight here, just got home from my new office job not too long ago, but at noon earlier today was my 1 week anniversary of being TOTALLY SMOKE FREE!! I didn't cheat at all, not even one puff, just quit cold turkey and I feel so proud of myself!! My energy levels are through the roof, my bank account balance is increasing everyday and I'm lovin' it!!

06-30-2006, 02:41 AM
Woohoo!! Congrats on that Blazi!!! :worthy:

06-30-2006, 03:31 AM
that's just great news to hear, keep up the good work.

06-30-2006, 09:58 AM
I was up to 3 packs a few years ago and quite cold turkey. Remember how good it feels when you take a deep breath and there is more room. It will take some time for the toxins to get out of your system so don't freak out if that happens - or you get sick. Drink lots of water to flush it out and.. worse case - if you do fall back - don't beat yourself up. Start again and be proud you lasted this long.

Eventually even the smell with bother you - and you may want to consider picking up a small pack of Popeye cigarettes for fun in case you have a craving. They helped me through a few tough times

06-30-2006, 10:09 AM
thanks everyone :)

Vid Vicious
06-30-2006, 06:37 PM
Cool ... It's 6;33 .. I' ve had 2 smokes so far today !!!!!! woo hoo... of course that will change dramticly once I start pouring booze into my body later tonight .. happy canada day aye !

06-30-2006, 10:50 PM
High fives Blazi. Great job.

I unfortunately have Vid's prob .... I like the hooch.

07-01-2006, 01:08 PM
Cool ... It's 6;33 .. I' ve had 2 smokes so far today !!!!!! woo hoo... of course that will change dramticly once I start pouring booze into my body later tonight .. happy canada day aye !

Happy Canada Day :)

07-01-2006, 01:10 PM
High fives Blazi. Great job.

I unfortunately have Vid's prob .... I like the hooch.

thanks stonegatherer :) personally, I quit drinking some time ago, but most of my friends drink, nothin' wrong with it as long as you have it under control and don't let the booze control you, I mean hey, we all gotta take the edge off from time to time!!

07-01-2006, 07:35 PM
grats i start to sweat if i even think of quiting

07-02-2006, 02:30 AM
congratz blazi and stay strong ! :happy:

07-02-2006, 12:48 PM
I plan on quitting soon, but it's hard to be ready. Either I have to be
ready the day I run out of cigarettes from the Indian Reservation or I
have to be willing to pay 7 dollars a pack if I slip (or if life takes a shitty
turn and starts me back up).

I swear more people like me would try if they new it wasn't going to
actually cost them more if they fail.

07-04-2006, 08:42 AM
Congratulations Blazi and
Happy Canada Day