View Full Version : QWEBEC Expo Welcomes Camazon Cash

08-09-2006, 04:38 PM
QWEBEC Expo Welcomes Camazon Cash

We are excited to announce that CamazonCash (http://www.camazoncash.com) just secured the Refreshment Sponsorship, read Bar, for QWEBEC Expo 2006 (http://qwebec.com) in Montreal (August 25-27)

A big Thank You to Steve Sonic for his generous support to our Adult Webmasters Event. Plus, attendees will have the chance to hear from Steve himself, how they can make more money with AdultPersonals/Dating sites on Saturday afternoon @ 1:30 duriong the Dating Sites Seminar!


CamazonCash is the affiliate program for Camazon.com, the premier adult video dating and community site. Camazon is the best converting adult-personals site on the web. Not only do we offer the same features as other adult centric sites, we go a step further with live video and webcam chat. As an added bonus for webmasters, we pay more for joins and we even pay out on free guest registrations with no check or credit card needed.

http://qwebec.com/sponsors/bans/camazon.gif (http://www.camazoncash.com)

Thank you Camazon Cash