View Full Version : Have you ever lost weight?

08-15-2008, 10:21 AM
by diet, exercise, supplements, etc? How long did it take and how much did you lose?

I just bought a wii fit and am going to start actually trying to lose 30lbs (god it sounds like alot!) of stubborn baby weight. I'm making more conscious decisions about what I eat since my metabolism conked out (I was diagnosed hypothyroidism, lifelong). So I figure any changes I make now will have long term benefits and I don't have to take it lying down.

So have you ever lost weight? What did you do?

Evil Chris
08-15-2008, 10:33 AM
I've lost some weight in the past month or so, but it's just from not eating junkfood. I tend to eat way better in the warmer months. I've also cut soft drinks almost completely out of my diet which makes a big difference.

I admit I need to exercise more though. Our treadmill is collecting dust.

08-15-2008, 12:16 PM
A few years back I noticed I had gained a lot of weight, but it didn't hit home until I went to a convention and I looked like a damn cow. So I resolved to everything I could to loose weight.

I went on a diet, and started working out.

My diet fruit for breakfast, salad for lunch, no soda, and a decent dinner. As for exercise, I started working out in the morning and running at night.

I dropped forty pounds in two months.

A simple thing like changing your diet goes a long way. I drink Pepsi all day long; I'm sure if I was to quit drinking Pepsi I'd loose a few pounds quickly. If you start eating ( and drinking ) only things that are good for you, it will make a big difference.

08-15-2008, 12:24 PM
Two years ago, I started swimming three times a week, working on 40 to 60 laps per visit. I stopped eating pork, rice/bread(or any simple carbs), no sweets and salty foods. No alcohol or sodas (only seltzer). All I ate were steamed fish and broiled chicken (with no skin). I lost 25 pounds in two weeks.

Whenever I get the chance to do anything physical, I do it.

I also stop eating at least 2 hours before I sleep.

I agree with Rochard, swearing off soda from your diet will greatly reduce your weight. And get at least a cup of oatmeal every day.

Evil E
08-15-2008, 12:39 PM
Yes, lost about 20-30 pounds from working outside all day long(standing up) and going to work using my bicycle(45 minutes ride one way). That was over a couple of months during a summer. Did not have to change anything in my diet since I was burning so much calories.

Important things are diet and exercise... it doesn't really matter what exercise it is, you just need to find something you like and be consistent.
If you really are serious, I would suggest you get a trainer at a gym and do a mix of weight lifting and cardio. The weight lifting will get your metabolism rolling. Same thing if you eat small meals 5-6 times a day, it will help your metabolism.

08-15-2008, 02:19 PM
i lost weight last winter.
i went from drinking beer to jack and water
i lost 20 pounds in a about 2 months.
by no means was i overweight, but now my beer gut is nearly gone and you can now see my abs....

Abernathy SixtySix
08-15-2008, 02:58 PM
The first time I lost weight it was 65lbs. I still ate what I wanted but did it in moderation which I didn't know what that was before....I was almost 180lbs and a size 16. This year I have lost 25lbs by doing a diet called the Best Detox Diet Ever. It really worked for me and I went from a size 7 to a size 1. I also hired a personal trainer that I used 3 times and I just continued to do what she had showed me. I walk everywhere I can and also do the treadmill everyday for at least 10min and do free weights with my Yoga Ball.


08-15-2008, 03:06 PM
The most I've ever lost is 15 lbs. Did it once in highschool in like 2 weeks cuz I was really sick. Did it again about 4 years ago in less than a month when I was going thru some personal bullshit.

And then did it again the RIGHT way over the course of about 2 months strictly from working out, jogging, eating right and trying to minimize stress.

08-15-2008, 05:42 PM
I recently lost 32 lbs. I think I might have gained some back already, I just moved and didn't have a kitchen for a few days but I'm planning on going back to my diet when school starts (I'm a teacher). I want to lose another 30lbs which I'll try to lose before xmas...


08-17-2008, 11:22 PM
never had a weight problem until recently now the weight just sticks in all the wrong places. i began hiking again. I am doing 2 miles a day and 3-4 on the weekends. No weight loss yet - envious of you guys that lose 20 pounds in nothing flat. - Abby such determination - the weight loss - making your own moisturizer is there anything you cant or dont do (((HUGS!!)))

08-18-2008, 07:34 AM
Right up before the summer, I was in great shape. Then I said fuck it and been eating lots of ice cream, pizza , BBQ and what not during the summer. I gained a little. All that is going to get burned through my regular "intensive care" routine. ;-)

Which basically means, no eating shitty food. Good food only. Keep carbs on the low. Mostly slow carbs. Protein up high as usual (since Im always weight training) - and important: lots of cardio.

I usually need about 6 weeks to get back to super shape again, and this means running 5 times per week (30 min sessions), and weight training 3-4 times per week.

if you need any tips.. I say cut down on any bad food. Dont even keep them in the house. If you do not have them available in your house, chances are you wont be eating them either.. :-) So eat good food, and "normal" portions. Try to eat less carbs. And when you do, go whole grain if you can. For example, instead of eating "regular pasta" or white bread, you could eat whole grain pasta or dark bread. Once you eat the right kind of food, and the right amount - youre on your way. And also important: to do some form of physical exercise.

The combo of eating well and moving your body.. Should pay off. :-)

Loosing weight and getting in shape is really about slowly spending more calories than you are eating. So lets say you Spend 2400 (just a number) each day, and only eat 2000 - that means your body needs to use your fat deposits for energy (thus burning fat). So eating good and moving your body is key.

And ofcourse there are tons of other benefits to physical exercise and eating well other than simply loosing weight.. :-)

If you do not have the chance to go to a fitness center, you can go out for a walk or run or you could get a treadmill or stationary bike at home.

There are also some great DVD´s which focuses on teaching yoga, pilates, etc. Those are actually fun to learn at home, which you can practice any time of the day.

Sorry for the long post.. Hope it helps. :-)

08-18-2008, 02:30 PM
A couple of years back I lost about 50lbs. I cut the soda from my diet (I was a Dr. Pepper fanatic) and that helped a ton right there. I also made sure I was moving around as much as possible during the day. Going up stairs for bathroom breaks instead of the the one on the main level of the house. Walking to the school to pick up my youngest instead of driving. Really it's all about how much you move. :)

08-18-2008, 07:10 PM
Lost about 30+lbs about 2 years ago! We did Weight Watchers on our own (no meetings! :) ) It was a life style change and am glad we did it!

08-18-2008, 08:33 PM
When Anna got pregnant I gained nearly 40 pounds, and it was terrible getting it back off. I balloned up to 230lbs during her pregnancy.

I started working out slowly, a few times a week, then it gradually became 6 days a week, then I added cardio 3 of those days, I've lost 30 of the 40, but in much better shape than I've been in for years. It took nearly 1.5 years to get to where I'm at now, just so you have a time reference.

Overall, I think some people set huge goals, and want to accomplish them in too short of a time, then end up depressed and give up. With exercise, and fitness it really needs to be a long term comitment. And if you set small goals, and just get to them before you move on to the next goal, I personally think it's easier to stick to your overall plan.

Evil E
08-18-2008, 09:46 PM
I'm not really fat myself right now, but let's say that I could lose 10-20 pounds and be more fit.

Anyways I signed up for a trial class of Martial Arts and let's say that I was a bit embarrassed/humbled by my out of shape'ness. I also smoke cigarettes from time to time when social and I think I'll have to quit that completely.

Anyways, by taking the class and seeing how out of shape I was, It just made me want to become in shape...

08-18-2008, 11:33 PM
I never exercise or anything like that. I fluctuate, naturally, like a bear. Every year over winter I gain thirty or so pounds, then lose 30 to 40 again over the summer season.

This year though my work schedule and the weather basically kept me indoors constantly, and then I busted an ankle or rather ripped a muscle, so I remained upon my butt, getting wider, over the whole course of time when I should have been getting more active...

So I don't know how that's gonna screw with my regular cycle or metabolism...


08-19-2008, 09:38 AM
I just bought a Wii Fit, it should arrive tomorrow, so hopefully that will be fun and motivating and help track my progress.

As for eating, I eat healthy but I eat all the wrong types of foods - I love red meats, potatoes, starches, breads, etc. A typical meal is a 6oz steak with a side of veggies, and a side of rice or noodles or other starch. I need to eliminate the starch I think. I don't keep shit food in the house - maybe sunchips or wheat thins. Not a big snacker unless you give me a box of cheezeits :)

I think my weakness is eating out - crabcakes, taco salads, etc.

Thanks for all your replies!

08-19-2008, 01:29 PM
When Anna got pregnant I gained nearly 40 pounds, and it was terrible getting it back off. I balloned up to 230lbs during her pregnancy.

I started working out slowly, a few times a week, then it gradually became 6 days a week, then I added cardio 3 of those days, I've lost 30 of the 40, but in much better shape than I've been in for years. It took nearly 1.5 years to get to where I'm at now, just so you have a time reference.

Overall, I think some people set huge goals, and want to accomplish them in too short of a time, then end up depressed and give up. With exercise, and fitness it really needs to be a long term comitment. And if you set small goals, and just get to them before you move on to the next goal, I personally think it's easier to stick to your overall plan.

Ok, let me get this right... SHE was pregnant and YOU gained the weight???? what the fuck???


Just teasing you Bruce...



08-19-2008, 05:37 PM
Healthy diet and exercise are key. AND drink a lot of water. Divide your body weight in half and whatever that number is is how many ounces of water a day you should be drinking. It helps flush out your body.

08-23-2008, 01:04 AM
I lost 75 lbs over 2 yrs, and it fluctuates, right now I am heavier then I was at my lowest, gained it back when I stopped watchign what I ate.

With the winter months comign I have decided to turn that around again, this sumer was bad for the junk food. Plus I pulled a muscle surfign the other week and realized age and lack of fitness = PAIN

its not easy and take dedication. I have some more I woudl like to lose.

08-25-2008, 03:50 PM
Check out calorieking.com it's a great site. Hit me up on icq and i'll give you my u/p so you can check it out before joining. Also, another diet that I like that is only 1200 - 2000 calories a day is the http://www.campbellwellness.com/soupforlife/index.asp.

08-25-2008, 06:29 PM
I have lost 35lbs the old fashioned way
quit drinking
working out like a madman every day in the gym
and watch what I am eating

08-25-2008, 10:07 PM
I have lost 35lbs the old fashioned way
quit drinking
working out like a madman every day in the gym
and watch what I am eating

That's what I've been doing all spring & summer this year, have dropped 15 lbs so far.

08-26-2008, 09:19 AM
That's great Bob! You look fantastic!