View Full Version : Adult B2B Marketing Tip of the Day - Activators and Hot Buttons

12-04-2008, 01:20 PM
Yesterday I talked about how John Smith's brain works. Here is more information about what makes for successful marketing that's relevant to the prospect, or John Smith:

Activators & Hot Buttons


An activator is anything that snaps a person out of Alpha Mode and into Beta. Anytime something familiar, unusual, or problematic enters the Reticular Activator, the brain becomes “activated,” hence the name. Traditional “C&R” advertising likes to use unusual and familiar activators to interrupt people.

Beware! Just because an Activator has interrupt value does not mean it has engage value. Activators that are not relevant or important to people must be
constantly changed to keep people stimulated and therefore require huge
advertising budgets to support.

Hot Buttons

What Your Brain Does When It Finds An Activator:

- Immediately and subconsciously searches for additional, clarifying info.

- Gauges importance/relevance

- If important/relevant: Conscious bandwidth will be allocated and the brain will be Engaged. This means the Activator is also a Hot Button.

- If NOT important/relevant: Brain will immediately revert to Alpha Mode and NOT be Engaged. This means the Activator is NOT a Hot Button–-it’s a False Beta.

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