View Full Version : Toronto Maple Leafs Win Stanley Cup!!!

12-07-2008, 05:36 PM
Canada was stunned Monday when it was announced that The Stanley Cup will be awarded to the Toronto Maple Leafs, possibly as early as December 6th.

The cup will be stripped from 2008 playoff champions the Detroit Red Wings and be awarded to the Leafs, who didn't even make the playoffs.

How is this possible, Canadians ask?

Well, the Leafs have formed a coalition with eastern conference semi-finalists the Montreal Canadiens, and conference quarter-finalists the Ottawa Senators, now out-ranking the Red Wings on the basis of a complex rating system incorporating regular season points, play-off results and bonus points for extended periods of utter futility.

According to new Leaf GM Brian Burke "the Red Wings have lost the confidence of the league and should hand the cup over immediately to our coalition".

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman is cutting short a European trip to try to resolve the unprecedented hockey crisis that could force a second playoff series, or see an opposition team coalition take the cup.

12-08-2008, 05:17 AM
lol if only it were that easy :)

12-08-2008, 08:40 AM
reminds me of something, I can't put my finger on Hmmmm.

12-08-2008, 10:03 AM
Funny, 62% of Hockey fans know that the Detroit Red Wings are the best team in the league. Yet, Toronto Fans think they have the best team even though they are only a small % out of a 30 team roster, they are beaten consistently and have a dismal track record in the last couple of years, usually due to bullish leadership and a lack of transparency.

Or are you calling the Leafs separatists?


12-08-2008, 12:16 PM
Will the Leafs be replacing their Captain in the coming months as well?