View Full Version : A little story about gas

02-02-2009, 12:23 PM
So there I was Superbowl Sunday 2009 aka the day the music really did die.. Anyway there I was doing laundry when all of a sudden I hear loud banging noises from the washer as it was unbalanced. The wonderful thing about technology as it has become so advanced and smart it deems its actions as being helpful because the washer said to self... Self you are not balance therefore do not rinse or spin. Now this is where girl logic failed me as I thought well I will just move the dial back and tell it to do it again after moving the towels around everything will be well balanced.

For those of you who think I know what happens next yes and no.. If the water doesnt drain the first time it wont drain correctly the 2nd time unless you call draining out the back and bottom. So what does any good woman do??? She would move the washer and dryer and mop up the mess. Keep in mind at this point I am working on solving my own problem all by myself (Men feel free to applause my efforts.)

Here is where the "no" part comes into play for those of you who guessed they knew what was going to happen next and where the title of the thread comes into play. A dryer should never ever and I do mean never be moved by a girl who's tired and not thinking clearly. I managed to crimp the gas line when I moved the dryer back into place. This fun fact I didn't realize until this morning when I the pleasent smell of rotten eggs greeted me with a howdy and how do you do.

I had one of those WWJD (What Would Janell Do) moments. Feel free to let your mind wander as I manually opened up my garage door rolled my car out of the garage for fear of turning anything on including the coffee maker. I really do feel bad for everyone here at work when I'm going through java withdrawl. I am certain the birds in the tree outside thanked me for my thoughtful smelly contribution to the world this morning. I want to personally thank the inventor of the shut off valve he saved my life.

So the morale of the story is boys are way better at this than me. I should stick to watching football. :)

Evil Chris
02-02-2009, 01:06 PM
Wow.... all I can say is good thing you aren't a smoker! How could the builders think that putting the gas line anywhere near your washer would be a good idea?

We don't even have natural gas here (or anywhere else I've lived for that matter), so I'm a little unfamiliar with the whole thing. My buddy in Vancouver has it though.

02-02-2009, 03:59 PM
OMG glad your house didn't blow up!

02-02-2009, 06:09 PM
Cliff notes?

02-06-2009, 05:43 PM
Cliff notes?

Janell almost went boom when she moved her dryer and managed to crimp a gas line. Or at least that is her excuse for her house smelling like farts :skull: