View Full Version : I am going to follow the training regimen of Vid Vicious. What do you think about it?

03-02-2009, 11:32 AM
Since Vid is pretty much the new fitness guru here on xnations - I wanted to get to know how I can improve my butt and pecs.

I asked Vid what he does and this is what he told me:

For rock hard pecs:

Stand infront of a mirror. Put your left arm out infront of you and squeeze your left pec. * GRUNT *

Put your right arm out and squeeze your pec. * Grunt.

Alternate and do 12 repetitions on each arm. When you are done - say "Oh, Im bad!"

For buns of steel:

Stand with my butt facing the mirror, look over shoulder at ass. Squeeze right ass cheek, relax it. Squeeze left ass check - relax it. Alternate and do 15 repetitions on each butt cheek.

After 12 reps are finished - say: "I look f**king good!"

When I asked why I need to grunt and say the final words he said it is to show that Im doing hard heavy duty body work AND show MACHISMO.

So.. what do you think about this training regimen? Im eager to get started and get my steel buns and Fabio Pecs.

Vid Vicious
03-02-2009, 12:28 PM

works for me .. LOL

03-02-2009, 01:16 PM
I see he didn't tell you about taking a daily dose of stallion sperm...

Vid is now looking more Italien then Jewish ;-)

LOL j/k Vid, you are looking in much better shap now then in early 2008!!!

03-02-2009, 04:39 PM
Don't they call it isometrics or something when you just flex the shit out of a muscle rather than using weights?
I do grunt when I lift, just to make other people around me uncomfortable=)

03-02-2009, 04:45 PM
Don't they call it isometrics or something when you just flex the shit out of a muscle rather than using weights?
I do grunt when I lift, just to make other people around me uncomfortable=)

Vid is the real MASTER of grunt.

he once scared a Mr. Olympia contender with his primal gym roar.

You better watch out if Vid is pumping iron.. Dont get surprised and drop your weights or anything.

BTw. I tested Vids training regimen and my ass feel tight and hard.. just after one session. Tomorrow is titty time!

Vid Vicious
03-03-2009, 01:16 PM
. Tomorrow is titty time!

don't get carried away, we all know you have "certain" tendencies

03-04-2009, 02:53 PM
don't get carried away, we all know you have "certain" tendencies

What do you recommend for training Triceps? I need to increase my strength there so I can improve the quality of my sexy time.

Lemme know bro!

Vid Vicious
03-04-2009, 03:50 PM
What do you recommend for training Triceps? I need to increase my strength there so I can improve the quality of my sexy time.

Lemme know bro!

you already choke the chicken nightly...

03-04-2009, 04:41 PM
work on your legs, you'll need strong legs to fuck BBWs!

03-04-2009, 04:49 PM
work on your legs, you'll need strong legs to fuck BBWs!

sorry.. there are very few bbw´s in europe...

strong legs are never wrong though. ;-)

03-04-2009, 05:07 PM
if you're screwing skinny girls and want to rock some 'alpha male' points, pick her up and bang her. You'll need to do lunges as well as isometrics to build up the endurance in your thighs. An elliptical trainer with the resistance dialed way up would help too. I recommend a good half-hour of that, try to keep it at over 150 strides a minute so you can get your cardio in at the same time=)