View Full Version : Is the war affecting your decisions?........

03-27-2003, 07:03 PM
Is the war affecting your decision making about shows and gatherings?

03-27-2003, 08:07 PM
Hell no, any chance I get to spit at an iraqi I take it!

03-27-2003, 08:08 PM
Hmmm well considering that the next show I attend is in my home town.. I'll have jokingly say DUH NO!

But seriously unless the news would suddenly get very bad right before I got on the plane, nope I think I would just grit my teeth and go with the flow. I don't like flying already so I'd definately have to get stupidly drunk if I'd like the plane anytime soon. :bonk:

03-27-2003, 08:09 PM
no the war isn't however other umm "issues" with 3rd party processors are affecting it

I'm not overly concerned with problems stemming from the war happening here.

03-27-2003, 08:09 PM
Okay, in all seriousness. NO. But international flights are down 60% since the war started. Thats gotta say something.

.. and in case there are any iraqis reading this, dont take it personally. It was a joke. I spit on any french people I can find as well!


03-27-2003, 08:13 PM
It's hard to say. We usually only do Internext when it's in Vegas because it's close. We do a lot of work but there's only a few of us in the office. So, to close up for a show means that one person has to pretty much do everything. So we don't get around as much. But on a personal note, I'm forcing myself to travel for my personal business. If they change the way we act then they control us. I said that after 9/11 and I'm saying it now. I will not sit in my home and be afraid! If I had that frame of mind I would have never left Pittsburgh. I'm not afraid of earthquakes, I'm not afraid terrorists and I'm not gonna be afraid to keep living my life.

Okay, I'll step down from my soapbox now. :)

03-27-2003, 08:15 PM
I'm actually looking forward to the Phoenix Forum. The walls seem to be closing in on me here. :badcomp:

03-27-2003, 08:16 PM

I would not stop in Europe at this time...

as for State side shows.. not a problem...

many people are too young to remember when it wasn't safe to travel in some parts of Europe with a US passport... ie "cold war"...

hopefully all will work out and we can all travel abroad again with little fear...

03-27-2003, 08:19 PM
As long as the war is happening overseas, it wouldn't affect my decision.

Although I might think twice before going to a trade show in the middle east...

03-27-2003, 08:26 PM
I feel that the risks are just about the same as it was 3 months ago. So I hope to see everyone in Phoenix and Amsterdam =)

03-27-2003, 08:32 PM
if you watch CNN they've had to alter flight patterns out of Paris b/c of reports of possible terrorists planning to shoot down commercial flights..

03-27-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Jay[neX]
Although I might think twice before going to a trade show in the middle east...

An adult show in a predominantly muslim region, sounds like a fear factor episode to me. :bonk:

03-27-2003, 08:35 PM
Not at all...i feel safe

03-27-2003, 08:37 PM
I have to admit that a couple of weeks ago, I was pretty apprehensive about the prospect of travelling to Phoenix in April....but, I was still bound to go as long as the borders were open. If we stop living our lives and doing work, then all that we end up with is paralysis -- economic and personal.

I'm feeling a bit better now....have had friends travel without issue. Don't think there's too much of a threat while things are on high alert....terrorists tend to hit when you're least suspecting it.

03-27-2003, 08:40 PM
Honestly... if it wasn't for all the talk on the boards, I wouldn't even know there was a war.

I have no television and don't listen to the radio and can't read (newspapers especially).

So no.. it wouldn't affect much of anything I do, and it doesn't.

How much $$ I have in my bank account... now that's another story :(

03-27-2003, 08:43 PM
I have not been on a plane since 9/11
I plan on going to a couple of shows this year,
but I would not go to the Amsterdam show at this time.

03-27-2003, 08:44 PM
I dont know how people are going to reacte to this however I dont mean to offend.

I dont watch the news in reagrds to the war. Plain and simple. I know the basics and I wish the troops well.

I lost to my granpa to the war and to me Igornace is bliss.

I tried to figure it out but I get so confused so fast. Like really who am I to the big picture of things?

Socks Manly
03-27-2003, 08:46 PM
ASS will be attending the show in Amsterdam.. If shit goes down, so be it!

03-27-2003, 08:50 PM
well, I know this will be an unpopular opinion, but EC asked me to respond, so blame him.

IF I was planning on attending any event in Canada, I would not, any more than I would go to France. As it is, I was not planning on going to Canada anyway, so no big loss I am sure

03-27-2003, 08:50 PM
I think I have flown 50 times since 9/11 and it does'nt bother me one bit.
Traveling state side does'nt worry me.
Although I don't think I would want to travel overseas at this time.

Although I hear the stars at night are big and bright in Iraq.
mmmm maybe some dolphin fishing in the Persian Gulf

03-27-2003, 08:58 PM
I don't travel that much except if you call driving down to the french quarter to get drunk traveling but I wouldn't be worried about flying anywhere right now. I say if something is going to happen, its going to happen and I'm not going to let what's going on in the world around me to stop me from doing what I want.

Just my 2 cents!

03-27-2003, 09:10 PM
It's not the war that changes my plans.

03-27-2003, 09:14 PM

Not in the least.

Well, okay, thats not true. I refuse to fly any airline with the name america/american/US etc.

Seems like if something happens (again) those are prime targets just cause of the name.

Is it gonna stop me from flying? Nope - flying out to Phoenix on Wed :)


03-27-2003, 09:20 PM
No war is not effecting my decision to attend shows, but that are only here in the US or Canada, I don’t want to go over seas right now, you never know whats going to happen next, the war is getting pretty big and crazy!

03-27-2003, 09:21 PM
Unless I was going to a show and there had been a devastating attack like 9-11 the day before I would not even consider changing my plans. It is ridulous to live your life in fear. Obviously everyone needs to be more aware and use some common sense but the thought of letting terrorists to beat us down with fear and intimidation is simply unacceptable.

03-27-2003, 09:22 PM
Although the situation is certainly not reassuring, if I had the chance to attend another Show I probably would go ! But as Twinkley said, not using an airline with US on it, using HooterAir would be more fun I think.

03-27-2003, 09:23 PM
This war as BS as it is can't allow us to let it affect our lives.

We are responsible for producing porn and god damn it, we must go on!

03-27-2003, 09:23 PM
Ah so many ways to go with this one… Until someone does a show in say Baghdad then I it’s not even an issue. Flying is the least of my worries. I doubt stealing another plane will happen.

Plus, with everyone all stressed out it’s our god given duty to give them something to um “relieve” there tension with! So since we’ve all been working hard on putting up good quality porn on the net, let’s all hit the shows, get some work done, meet up with our friends meet at the bar, and raise our glasses for our fallen soldiers. Then get completely wasted!

That’s just my opinion!

03-27-2003, 09:23 PM
I usually only go to the Vegas show, and the AWE show when it's here in LA. Believe it or not, I'm kind of an anti-social. But by choice I think.

I wonder if I'm borderline agoraphobic. Perhaps.

Maybe I'm that way becuase it takes me a lot of courage to get out to shows, but once I'm there I have a blast. It's all the anxiety before going that gets to me.

I've never been afraid to fly. If the plane crashes while I'm on it well, than so be it. I'm not going to stop flying just because a few assholes crashed a few planes. Including those crashes it's still the safest form of transportation. I don't think I'll be going to any 3rd world countries in the near future, so no worries there.

The furthest I've been is Toronto (from Cali) so I'm not really a world traveler anyway. It's beena while since I've been to Maui, but Mrs. RedShoe and I used to go quite often.

Oh also, I don't think I'll be at the Phoenix forum, simply for the "I don't know anyone there" factor.

03-27-2003, 09:26 PM

I will not leave my family in Israel at this time.

I believe you meant terrorism in the more general meaning as a result of the war... No, that prat has no effect on my descisions of gathering and attending shows.
I have lived long enough (all my life more or less) in the shadow of war, terror and hatered from the Arab world, specifically the ones in the ME. I do not go out in public (parties, cafe etc..) if its not a secured compumnd in case there is a security alert warning announced by the Israeli security forces, but going abroad and attending conventions is not something I will cancel due to the "general" threat of terror. Life sucks - we can diga hole and crawl in BUT we will let life pass by that way. I say live till you die.
as a matter of fact. I feel better travelling (and potentially dying ;) ) at these times. At least "we" are fighting back now :cool:

03-27-2003, 09:26 PM
Not really. There are a couple countries I would be a little careful in for sure: Canada and France. But nah, I'm game to flying anywhere.

03-27-2003, 09:34 PM
Dunno about international travelling although I really don't have time to do that now anyway.. (I would travel to Canada)

I am travelling stateside.. in fact, I flew from NC to Ohio today.. and in two weeks I'll be travelling from NC to Maryland....

I did read an article in USAToday (while inflight), that flight reservations have dropped 7% in the states since the war started.. that has caused airlines to modify flight schedules and passengers have been rebooked on other flights -- without notice!! They recommended checking your flight reservations 48 hours prior to make sure you're not affected by any modifications.

I haven't seen a trend in prices .. they are generally the same as they have been. I'm planning another trip in June/July .. and then in August for Internext. I hope I can snag some good deals.

Today's flight wasn't full.. I've flown this same flight several times and it's generally not a full plane.

Last week when my daughter and I flew on AirTran, we experienced a 2 hour delay.. but that was the same night Bush addressed the nation warning them of an impending war. So I'm guessing most flights were a bit off. One thing though, is that my daughter and I got picked for security checks -- I think it most likely due to the fact that we had one way tickets. Anyway, we spent an hour in a "secure area." I was not too happy. I did object to my daughter being searched as she is only 12 and as it turns out they are not allowed to search children 12 and under. Even so, it was a bit traumatic for her.. her comment was "Mom, I'm a cheerleader not a terrorist. Can't they see that?" Poor Munchkin!!!

So my answer is.. no, I'm still flying ;)

ric knows nina
03-27-2003, 09:42 PM
I will still travel. I agree with everyone that you have to live your life, and to change drastically means giving in to terrorism (which is why I'm concerned with aspects of the Bush Administrations Homeland Security).

I live in nyc and I've noticed I'm a bit more weary... like everytime I drive over the Brooklyn Bridge. It's silly, cause the cops leave an empty squad car in the left lane and cones blocking the entire lane, which causes more traffic. I guess they're covering themselves if something happened by having a "police presence" but if a terrorist act goes down, alot of people will be stuck on the bridge.

I also try to avoid the subway. The bus has gotten more popular these days :-)

03-27-2003, 10:03 PM
Hell no.. I'm gonna do what I want to do anyways, war or no war. The only thing affecting my decisions is babysitting for the kid s:P

03-27-2003, 10:04 PM
It has made me stop and think, but I will continue to go to the shows if I can.

03-27-2003, 10:24 PM
I cant stand flying in maritime let alone war.
But it still doesn't stop me from making a show!
Hell...its the only time i get to leave my house!


03-27-2003, 10:35 PM
No, the War and Terrorism will not affect my travel plans domestically. However, flying to Europe would keep me on my toes.

That being said, cya in AZ baby!

Socks Manly
03-27-2003, 11:02 PM
I seriously can't believe so many would change their plans based on something happening in another part of the world.. I wouldn't travel to an arab nation right now unless I had a bloody good reason to be there, but other than that I really don't care.. Why is "overseas" such a big deal? I think people are just generally racist making a comment like that. What makes somewhere overseas different than home? Should egyptians feel afraid to fly to America? You probably think that's ridiculous.. Because it is! So is being scared of flying "overseas"

03-27-2003, 11:29 PM
Toronto I won't miss - Montreal's a maybe - but not because of the war... and if flights have dropped and if the price follows along with hotel rates - then Amsterdam may be a reality.....

go war go!

03-28-2003, 09:37 AM
Well.... one more point I would like to add....

I dont think another 9/11 will happen here for a long long time. I think people have learned a very important lesson - if something happens its okay to FIGHT. If someone tried to rush the pilots, or take over a flight now, i think they would get rushed by just about everyone on the plane.


03-28-2003, 09:40 AM
Even with the alert that there may be terrorist attacks at the Nuclear plant haven't put a damper on my travelling to the states. I am leaving for Phoenix on Wednesday as planned =)

Then the next couple are in Canada. I have no problems at this time travelling anywhere.

Keywords*at this time* =)

03-28-2003, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Bree

One thing though, is that my daughter and I got picked for security checks -- I think it most likely due to the fact that we had one way tickets. Anyway, we spent an hour in a "secure area." I was not too happy. I did object to my daughter being searched as she is only 12 and as it turns out they are not allowed to search children 12 and under. Even so, it was a bit traumatic for her.. her comment was "Mom, I'm a cheerleader not a terrorist. Can't they see that?" Poor Munchkin!!!

This post hits the nail right on the head for me. At the current time, I refuse to do any extra air travel while Americans are treated like this.
As long as the government and airlines pretend that they can't tell the difference between a 12 yr old and a terrorist, I'll not spend my money on air travel.
fuck them.
The only people hijacking planes are muslims. Find them, pull them out of line, and make their lives miserable.
Leave 12 yr olds, grandmothers, mothers, american business men, and other obviously harmless people alone.

That said, I'm not afraid to travel because of terorrism, war, or anything else. I'm just accustomed to being treated a certain way (and that includes with respect) and refuse to patronize businesses who don't treat me this way because they lack common sense.

03-28-2003, 11:54 AM
I agree with your thinking 12 clicks.. although.. remember Vietnam when the Viet Cong would have children run up to US troops and throw grenades at them.. Timothy McVeigh... wasn't muslim either...

so by just using racial profiling.. we open up many other channels for terrorism...

I've yet to have missed any flights or been delayed due to heightened security... would rather be a little inconvenienced than high jacked by a 12 year old and a grandmother...lol

Evil Chris
03-28-2003, 01:13 PM
This war wouldn't preclude me from travelling. Even travel to Europe. I'm not sure I understand why a lot of people don't want to fly to Europe at this time, either.

03-28-2003, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by gregtx
I agree with your thinking 12 clicks.. although.. remember Vietnam when the Viet Cong would have children run up to US troops and throw grenades at them.. Timothy McVeigh... wasn't muslim either...

so by just using racial profiling.. we open up many other channels for terrorism...

I've yet to have missed any flights or been delayed due to heightened security... would rather be a little inconvenienced than high jacked by a 12 year old and a grandmother...lol

That's a bit silly don't you think? I do.
first, this isn't vietnam. second, if you want to throw mcveigh into the mix that would make it about 1white american for every 10,000 muslims who commit a terrorist act.
thirdly, racial profiling works. It's sad that it does but its more a reflection on those profiled than those catching them.

And I have missed flights and been delayed due to heightened security. I'm perfectly comfortable with risking my life on the fact that a 12yr old girl won't be high jacking my plane.:bonk:

03-28-2003, 01:36 PM
you're right this isn't vietnam.. I was using this was an example of why everyone needs to be checked... as for Tim M.. was just an example of "any race can be a terrorist"...

gee Mike Tyson is muslim.. better check every black man too...

Racial profiling occurs whether we think it does or not... but unless we check everyone randomly.... it opens a way to easily slip someone/or something through....

just raising some points to back "my opinion"

I thought you just said you refused to do air travel as long as American's are treated this way??? so this will not affect you at all.

I'm not "afraid" to travel.. I will just be more selective of where I would travel to... just making a post;)

03-28-2003, 01:58 PM
Originally posted by gregtx
Racial profiling occurs whether we think it does or not...
You know, that's such a strange thing to me. My parents are Lebanese but I was adopted, so I'm not (I don't know what my lineage is). I don't think of myself as "white" because that doesn't really describe anything because there are all kinds of "white" people and they aren't all the same lineage.

When I was 17 I went to Australia with my father to visit a whole section of our family who lived there. We got off the plane and I looked at the group of 30 Lebanese people all standing there with welcome signs an I thought, "This has to make some people nervous, they look like a bunch of terrorists". Then, when we got into the crowd and everyone was introducing each other and hugging and kissing, they all kept giving me their luggage. I thought that to be a very strange to welcome family. Then I found out that because I didn't look like them, they assumed I was from the airline and was there to handle the bags. I learned a very strong lesson in apperances that day.

03-28-2003, 02:43 PM
Originally posted by gregtx
you're right this isn't vietnam.. I was using this was an example of why everyone needs to be checked... as for Tim M.. was just an example of "any race can be a terrorist"...
I don't think these examples are relevant. :)

Originally posted by gregtx
gee Mike Tyson is muslim.. better check every black man too...
Dude, if I'm on a plane with Tyson, I want him checked. funny you'd try to turn it into a black thing.

Originally posted by gregtx
Racial profiling occurs whether we think it does or not... but unless we check everyone randomly.... it opens a way to easily slip someone/or something through....
I disagree.

Originally posted by gregtx
just raising some points to back "my opinion"
No problem there. :)

Originally posted by gregtx
I thought you just said you refused to do air travel as long as American's are treated this way??? so this will not affect you at all.
No, I said "extra" travel.
