View Full Version : Stop The Onion!

06-09-2010, 09:41 AM
This dude actually took time to debunk article published on The Onion! :boogie

If you saw it and couldn't believe it, that's a good start.
Next thing a reasonable person would do, is try to look for the author's or agency names who is behind the information, should appear somewhere in any real article. Then you should have noticed that none exists - and think "hmmmm... this stinks".
Next thing is perhaps try to look for the same information from another source, this time reputable and reliable. Then you would have noticed that this story does not appear on any reliable source of information.
Next thing is maybe look at the top picture and see that its a photoshop disaster. stuff like this: http://photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com/

and the inevitable next step should have been saying to yourself: "man. that's fucking crap", and browse out of it, instead of embarrassing yourself by proving that you are so susceptible to nonsense and will gladly swallow any piece of crap you stumble upon.
Hope next time u'll do better.

If there's any comfort in it: don't worry, in this forum you are in good company...

06-09-2010, 10:58 AM
That blogspot site is really funny. Right up there with awfulplasticsurgery.com

06-10-2010, 05:39 AM
That blogspot site is really funny. Right up there with awfulplasticsurgery.com

agree ! :skull:
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06-10-2010, 02:06 PM
That blogspot site is really funny. Right up there with awfulplasticsurgery.com

hmmm I learnt a lot