View Full Version : 5 whole days!

01-02-2011, 05:35 AM
A guy spent 5 whole days (probably winter vacation) trying to make some money and he is already giving up! lol
I dunno what people think about it. I mean if you wanna be any kind of simpliest worker you have to LEARN doing that job yet they think that internet marketing should be something that anyone can do it right away. Amazing!

01-04-2011, 09:14 AM
It's never too late to learn :):)

01-04-2011, 09:20 AM
Working for main stream companies who have limited understanding of the internet use the adult industry as an example where they believe if you build something - you can make thousands over a weeks time if not over night.

I recently spoke to someone who just had a website built then said to me, "we'll know by morning if this works and start getting sales". Stunned I started to explain the importance of traffic and SEO work - if he didn't do that then how will people know of him much less his company. Still after one week I get calls from him asking advice as to why he hasn't had a sale yet.

01-05-2011, 04:14 AM
the adult industry had always a step ahead if we are talking about internet marketing, I consider that a bonus for thus that decide to quite and switch to mainstream, the guy probably expected to make loads of money right from the second day after he started, well this is the proof that things are not like that.