View Full Version : Celsius / Fahrenheit Converter

08-05-2003, 02:46 PM
It was really a hot day (38 degrees) here and I just didn't feel like doing all too much. Then I was talking some some friend in the US and she told me the temparture there but I didn't have a clue what that converts to Celsius... [you know, all those Americans with their weird way of measuring things like miles per hour and Fahrenheit].... it's not been the first this happened to me and I just looked then up how to convert those temperatures.
Then I thought I could write a little PHP script for such a calculator... et voilą:


It's not a beauty for the eyes but it's easy to use (I assume everyone here knows how to enter digits into a form field and press submit) :D

Note: URL fixed... as I said, it's too hot here!

08-05-2003, 02:51 PM
Sounds cool, but the page seems to go 404 for me.

08-05-2003, 03:08 PM
Fixed... just made a small typo :)

08-05-2003, 05:43 PM
I know how to convert the numbers, but I always just remember this when dealing with Celsius temps...

40s = it's fuckin death defying hot
30s = hot to damn uncomfortable
20s = perfect to very warm
10s = cold to cool
0s = damn cold
below 0 = what are you doing there?

If you are from a colder climate tho you'd probably put 30s at death defying hot...

08-06-2003, 04:29 AM
Originally posted by LAJ
I know how to convert the numbers, but I always just remember this when dealing with Celsius temps...

40s = it's fuckin death defying hot
30s = hot to damn uncomfortable
20s = perfect to very warm
10s = cold to cool
0s = damn cold
below 0 = what are you doing there?

If you are from a colder climate tho you'd probably put 30s at death defying hot...

That's funny! Btw, why don't you start getting away from miles and inches and fahrenheit to a less complicated system?

Mid-20ies is the best I reckon... btw, it took me longer to post the correct URL on this board than to code that whole thing :bonk:

08-06-2003, 08:57 AM
<our page doesn't work..404

08-06-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by wsjb78
That's funny! Btw, why don't you start getting away from miles and inches and fahrenheit to a less complicated system?

Haha! They tried scaring us with that in grade school... didn't work tho.

08-06-2003, 12:37 PM
Yeah 30+ in celsius is way to fucking hot, 34 the other day, I was trying to get a cold drink and the water from my tap was damn near boiling.

20 minutes of that heat and you feel like you are a peel n' stick tile.

Things like ice cream and slurpees are useless because the drip away before you can truely enjoy them and the wind was like walking through a martian desert on a bad day, it felt like someone was using the circular sander on my face

08-06-2003, 01:07 PM
It's been like 37-38 C here the last few days... although there's a fan directly next to me at the office it's still way too hot....