View Full Version : $100.00 Payouts Strike Again thanks to HUSTLER

02-18-2004, 05:27 PM
$100 payout promotion! For every credit card-based join you send to HustlerPlatinum.com
between now and the end of the month, you’ll get a $100 spiff straight from Larry Flynt’s wallet. Here’s some extra details…

- Standard tours or console-free tours – they both pay $100!!!
- No Limits. Send as many credit card sign-ups as you can!
- Good on paid trials and full-price joins (not on our $9.95 signups)
- Good NOW until the end of February!

If you’re already promoting HustlerPlatinum’s paid trial tour (3-day trials for $4.95), your existing linking codes are already earning you a C-note for every credit card sign-up you send us. Nothing else to do except add more links, send more traffic and make more $$$!!!

If you’re not yet a FlyntDigital affiliate, or if you’re just not currently promoting any of our sites, SIGN UP TODAY!!! (http://www.flyntdigital.com/index.php?CLICK=85469,0)