View Full Version : Major Renovations at Altavista

11-13-2002, 02:54 PM
Check out the new http://Altavista.com !

Something tells me if they want to compete with Google they are going to have to change more than thier Logo.


<a href="http://zdnet.com.com/2100-1106-965178.html">AltaVista takes a page from Google...</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.cw360.com/bin/bladerunner?REQSESS=AyEB21F&REQAUTH=0&2149REQEVENT=&CARTI=117454&CARTT=1&CCAT=2&CCHAN=20&CFLAV=1">AltaVista revamps to lure users and advertisers...</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.web-user.co.uk/news/article/?afw_source_key={7EAD8030-D153-4A9A-954B-D6BA952C49F9}">AltaVista searches for Google's crown...</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.silicon.com/bin/bladerunner?30REQEVENT=&REQAUTH=21046&14001REQSUB=REQINT1=56329">AltaVista searches for a new image...</a><BR>
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/23/28043.html">AltaVista returns from the Wilderness</a><BR>
<a href="http://news.zdnet.co.uk/cgi-bin/uk/printerfriendly.cgi?id=2125757&tid=278">AltaVista goes for the Google effect</a>

11-13-2002, 03:12 PM
Hey Cyndalie,
Thanks for the links, it's always good to keep up on the ever changing SE's... and knowing you, you are near expert on them...

Any tips?

Keep on Rockin'

11-13-2002, 03:12 PM
I saw that the other day. What do you think about it? I see they are charging a subscription to submit sites to them.

11-13-2002, 05:11 PM

The SEs all realize that top placement is key for traffic, and people/businesses are willing to pay big bucks to get these spots.
So, with capitalism in full effect here, sell the rankings! Or, as most
of them are doing, sell everything BUT the rankings. Get advertisers as many opportunities to try and get a piece of that pie without having to play all the games of manipulating META tags, keywords, etc.
I mean SE, in my opinion, are going to become paid AD spots (more or less)
Maybe I've oversimplified here, but it seems to be a trend with the SEs.

11-13-2002, 05:51 PM
I agree with you too. I guess we'll have to watch and see how it goes.

11-13-2002, 06:49 PM
I think Altavista should just throw in the towel.

11-15-2002, 11:40 AM
Danny, I checked out the trade script link from your tag line.
Is the final version still due out on the 18th?

11-15-2002, 04:56 PM
As to awgtrade...

Hopefully anyway, Danny is already about to kick my ass for being 20 days past-due as it is.