View Full Version : Member retention etc...

12-08-2004, 04:03 PM
In a really cool development, adding a BBS to LiveCamNetwork (live video sex chat) has helped over our recent down-time slump when the chat hostesses couldn't log on - the visitors/end users posted and exchanged messages with the staff and chat hostesses (and vice versa) and we found out that many of these people consider the site their "second home" and "second family". how's that for customer loyalty?

Not only did it bring out these feelings of community, but it will probably add to customer/member retention.

Also, to keep users up to date and entertained outside of the chat rooms, we've launched an e-zine, called LCN Magazine. It has photo galleries of the ladies as well as articles and humour.

We always thought that adding galleries and other "extras" to the site were mere distractions to the bread&butter part - the live chat - but in the context of the e-zine it seems to be working much more (and the BBS really lets us gauge that better).

i was going to post this in the announcements section, but I'll put it here too: www.LiveCamNetwork.com (cherished exemplar site of 2much.net) is putting out a


check it out

12-08-2004, 04:44 PM
sounds like yur doin
good shit over there..