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adultsitecms 01-26-2011 05:32 PM

ClickCastX Offers First-Ever Flash Streaming for Mobiles
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(Los Angeles, CA) – Premium video-on-demand software ClickCastX now gives you the enhanced capability to stream flash video on thousands of smartphones, iPhones, iPads and other mobile devices!

With ClickCastX, you can upload, encode and monetize your video content on your very own VOD theater paysite.

Integrated with and powered by Wowza or Juniper’s Media Flow Controller, ClickCastX now offers “unbuffered” video and mobile streaming capabilities, making it one of the first VOD systems to monetize mobile video.

ClickCastX also gives you the power to charge members per clip, per minute or per download. Your desired billing solutions can be readily integrated into the system!

“I’m excited about what we can offer now alongside the already robust VOD platform,” said Claude Lai, CEO of Adult Digital Solutions. “ClickCastX puts state-of-the-art technology into the hands of programs, allowing them to deliver their content like never before.”

Adult Digital Solutions, the maker of ClickCastX, also offers AdultSiteCMS, an inexpensive WordPress-based content management solution, as well as in-house encoding and digitization of analog content.

Visit ClickCastX.com for more information or http://www.clickcastx.com/demo for a full Web demo. To see a mobile demo, visit http://www.clickcastx.com/demo/m/index.php from your iPhone or smartphone.

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