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Old 01-23-2006, 02:30 AM   #2
IFRvideo should edit this
Citizen X
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Post IFRvideo Press Release #4

IFRvideo - Press Release #4

11:24 P.M. EDT, January 22, 2006
Transsexual 02: SavvaS - Scene 1 IS RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC

NEW YORK, NY, JANUARY 22, 2006: This week IFRvideo.com, a new internet-based adult video producer, has released the first scene from their second Transsexual Feature in pay-per-view installments: Transsexual 02: SavvaS – Scene 1
(In the TRANSSEXUAL AREA: feature scene, screen images, presentation, preview clip, Scene-Payment-System)

Transsexual 02: SavvaS | 13:45 | ©2006 by IFRvideo.com all rights reserved

IFRvideo presents SavvaS to the IFR TRANSSEXUAL AREA. In this exclusive two-scene feature, SavvaS explores her sexual past and future with us:

1. SavvaS has just had her 19-year-old lover PoSSe, leave for Miami, for good.

2. She arrives to stay at the Director's apartment to stay for a few weeks, but cannot stop thinking about PoSSe.

3. We experience SavvaS sexually exploring her solitude, both though her own image in her mirrors, and through vivid flashbacks of the prolonged oral sex she used to give her "boy" every week-day, before he went to school, in the Bronx. (Scene One)

4. The Director returns and is upset to see SavvaS in such a dreamy, unproductive mood.

5. She receives an extended opportunity to redeem herself, through the passive acceptance of vigorous oral and anal sex. She complies, and soon forgets all about the child she spent so much time with... (Scene Two)


Although no customers have yet complained, if you have are having problems streaming any IFRvideo media clips, simply right/option clip the "VIEW FEATURE" button, and choose "Save Target As" from the pop-up menu. We recommend this for extended plays, as the system will ask you to save your profile locally. Then you can view your IFRvideo features at any time, whether your Internet connection is on or not!
(Obviously the best solution for those with slower connections, shared home network, or limited computer processing power.)

In conclusion, I thank you for the time you have spent here at IFRvideo.com. We will continue to create a new and exciting scene for you, every week.

The staff

IFRvideo is a company that offers exclusive rotating weekly features in five different sexual genres (Opposite Sex/Transsexual/Domination/Same Sex/Solo Sex) with high production values, dynamic editing and fresh, young, exciting talent. Come visit us today.
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