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Old 03-29-2006, 07:00 PM   #92
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by pushpills
sure ya do

I agree that pushing xxx sites with 13yr old model stuff is kinda messed up, but so is just having the 9 - 13yr old etc model sites themselves. Don't the parents have to sign a release or something?
Any kid with a digital and half-assed html skills can build their own website and learn fast how to make money from it. And, sad to say, so can their parents.

There was something on the news way back about *parents* who had a site for their kid...little one, too...and didn't see anything wrong with it. She had "fans," you see, certainly not perverts...the parents were the totally sick ones, and it was all legal. As long as the "model" was dressed and covered, it didn't matter *how* she was dressed, how much makeup she wore, or whether or not she was bouncing on her own bed.

Hi, Lee Noga! LTNS!
Still remember that wonderful dinner!

I was raised by Irish Catholic parents who managed to keep sex a well-guarded secret from me. I vowed - with my husband - not to do the same with our own kids. I had the first "masturbation talk" with my daughter when she was four. (Bless you, Parent's Magazine, who told me how to do it without scarring the kid for life.) I dragged the two year old along hoping something would sink in. (It did, too, she still remembers it.) I always said "we can talk about *anything,* and we did...even if Mommy had to take a rather deep breath first. The time my middle kid (high school age) plopped down in a chair, rested her chin on her hand and said "explain anal sex to me" took two deep breaths...but I explained it to her. (What the fuck would those other parents advise? Let some horny teenager explain it to her the difficult way? The painful, damaging, ruin-her-for-life way? Oh, sure, they'd say "tell her never to do it." Like "don't do that" has *ever* worked on a teenager about *anything.* Cave parents were trying that one and it didn't work THEN.)

To Ounique...I took care of a lot of my own kid's gay friends. They got the simple things ("I'm proud of you," "you're a great kid," "way to go on that math test!," etc. from me and my husband rather than their own parents. My surrogate son, who was a great drag princess, got "Father and son time" out in the driveway under the hood of our car, just like fathers and sons have done since time immemorial. My husband didn't even blink the first time Steven walked into his room as a boy and walked back out as a girl.

I can't even get my head around rejecting your own kids because of their sexuality.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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