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Old 05-25-2006, 07:00 PM   #18
MorganGrayson should edit this
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Originally posted by DonMike
Oh hon, nothing you did at all. It just hit me after your post in the "things you hate thread". I don't know what it is about gay men, but we love saracastic and self-deprecating humor. It may get a quick laugh but if you focus too much on it then you can easily lose track of the good stuff.

Okay, this made me cry. Shame on you for making me blubber like a baby in my office, hee hee. What a wonderful man your husband must be. You are very lucky.

Heh heh, me too.
He is indeed a wonderful man. We're coming up on our 27th anniversary. He took tomorrow off so that we'll have a *four* day weekend together.

We learned a very long time ago that life is made up of small things. It isn't the "big things" that make a happy life, it's the small, day-to-day minutia that most people take for granted.

Once a long time ago his car broke down on the freeway. He walked down the freeway, staring intently at his watch, because he knew that due to some unfortunate psychological problems I have, if he was more than 20 minutes late getting home I'd panick, thinking he was dead. (Bad life does that sort of thing to a person.) He showed me the chain link fence he scaled to get to a pay phone. I was most impressed. My husband was born wearing a three-piece-suit and is the least likely man you'd ever pick to "scale" anything. He walked back to his office and spent the night there, eating cup-a-soup and snack crackers. (This was before cell phones. Now he has a cell phone with him at all times so he can just call me.)

Now, there's a lot of ways one can react to a partner's neuroses. One way is just total acceptance. "Life fucked you and I understand that you irrationally freak out if I'm late." I would give a lot to be one of those women who imagines their man in a cheap motel with a hooker or something, but I don't. I picture...dead. Taken from me. He understands that and just works with it.

Someday you're going to meet a guy who just might be the one, and this is one of the ways you'll be able to tell. Does he have that "I accept you just the freaky way you are" thing going on? If he does, grab him, hold on, and don't ever let go.
Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints.
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