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Old 07-21-2006, 11:22 AM   #20
a1r3k should edit this
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hey chris thanks for sending me the link.

i like most the people in the business. yeah, you have you garden variety drama, and what not, but for the most part the people in this business are the reason. i love going to networking events and hanging out with the people that i make money with.

the other part is the ability to learn what you need as you need. like a self taught student. everything i've learned online 90% of it i learned on my own. i think that is the reason why this business is so unique is that you have 1000's of different people contributing to one pot and each of them has their own perspective on what is what, and what sells, and what is the in thing, etc etc.

being in charge of my own life is another. theres alot more flexibility with your personal time and what not being in online.
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