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Old 07-21-2006, 12:15 PM   #23
luv$ should edit this
Citizen X
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: SapphicCash
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Chris, excellent thread idea. Great place to put my first post too

What I love about this industry (and mentioned before) is seeing what you create or follow through on come together AND work. As we all know it's rare, and 1 out of 15 ideas/projects pan out but man it is sweet when it does. I have also found great pleasures in the shows, and making friends with people from all over the world. Seeing people you do business with in person and sharing a drink is a GREAT experience, plus the new and varying cities are neat to see and experience.

What I don't like though is some of the childishness that goes on. For some reason (we won't go into, I have my theories here) adult tends to act more like high school, which can be fun; but then you have a bunch of 25-40 year olds running around acting unprofessional when it's important to be professional.

More than that though is a blatant disregard of the fact that we ARE being watched. There was a big hubaloo on the other board yesterday with pics of someone doing something illegal at one of the shows - listen, if you're going to do that sort of stuff, more power to you, have fun and don't hurt nobody - but for god's sake, keep it on the DL. What we DON'T need is more heat. So, in short, I don't like how self-destructive our industry can be.

One last thing! I also don't like how HOT toons can be, and I curse the fact that the XNations girl up top isn't real. Damn you Xnations, DAMN YOU!
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