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Old 08-08-2006, 06:30 PM   #47
RawAlex should edit this
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Another wild week in the kitchen, and we are down to the final two...

... and K-Grease ain't one of them!

Virginia once again won a challenge, and by hook or by crook, she managed to stay in the game. She isn't the best line cook (she gets flustered and lost more easily than the others) but her palate is good and more importantly, she has the power where it counts: To actually be the boss.

When she was put on the pass, she really took control of the situation, got things going the right direction, caught the obvious substituion, and things just seem to go smoothly, even as heather tried her damndest to play deaf.

In the end, qualities like the ability to manage people, to actually taste the food, and to have desire to keep learning and move ahead are the sorts of things that Ramsey seems to look for. Just like last season, we are down to a hard working line cook / sous chef against an underdog with more determination and ultimately more potential. Will the reward go to current skill or long term potential?

Heather is in the weeds... and she knows it!
movie reviews and things
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