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Old 07-30-2007, 10:19 AM   #10
Evil Chris
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Originally Posted by Ronaldo View Post
Oh, and I'm sorry. Being paid that much to play professional sports IS a right and NOT a priviledge either imho. They're human beings playing a game that people want to watch and pay a great deal of money to see. If they've trained to play and people are willing to pay to see them play, they've earned that right.

What PARENTS need to get a grasp on is that these people are NOT paid to be role models. Neither is Britney Spears and her ilk. If you like her music, fine, buy it. But we shouldn't expect her to lead a perfect life and be an example to our kids just because we buy her music. Parents need to stop making excuses and raise their kids with THEMSELVES as role models. Noone else.

Why we as a society seem to feel celebrities should be held to a higher standard is beyond me. They're people like you and I...only with more money and in most cases, UNWANTED notoriety. Film Britney on stage. Film Lennox in the ring. Why there is a market for pictures of them buying their groceries and/or walking in the park, speaks volumes about what's wrong with society, NOT with the celebrities themselves.
Nope. We'll see if it's a right or not. Vick has lost all his endorsement deals, and whether or not the mediocre US legal system finds him guilty, people aren't stupid. He'll never be what he was. If it was a "right" to play then he has lost it. Sounds more like a lost privilege to me.

It's true, these people aren't paid to be role models. They are paid to be athletes, actors, singers, etc. But what comes with that fame is responsibility. Responsibility that many of them take lightly and eventually they lose it due to their own stupidity. Celebs become role models automatically. I don't agree with it, but there it is. As a parent, I have never and will never make excuses for anything. I am my child's main role model but I cannot shelter him from the world. There are idiots out there like Vick, and it's up to me to help our son realize that he should not emulate their actions.

Unwanted notoriety? Give me a break. Out of the limelight, out of the money.
They want, need, and love the attention. There are very few who completely resist the attention.

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