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Old 10-29-2007, 12:36 AM   #9
rhetorical is cantankerous
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Originally Posted by EmporerEJ View Post
I just don't know why you keep stalking me.
Here you are again, stalking me with your negative, shitty attitude.
Why don't you go kick a baby, or a puppy, or whatever it takes to make you feel important, and stop humping my leg?

Maybe it's time for the administrator to ban your account.
I'll bet a vote would get you banned by the group....any group that has had to deal with you.
Ah a classic free speech American. Your right wing radical roots are showing. You need to develop a sense of humour, my fickle friend. And btw, you cannot turn the tables on this stalking thing when many, many know the truth. You have been on my case for years now. It started at am when I disagreed with your support of the Iraq war and your blind support for Bush and Cheney. You have plagued me ever since. You are like a mosquito buzzing in my ear and it is getting boring. Of course I will respond to your posts, because I still believe in free speech and live in a country that takes it for granted. Not one where guys like you try and stomp on it because it is inconvenient. You really need to do a little soul searching and think about this obsession you have developed over me. It sometimes gets a bit creepy. Oh, and maybe, just maybe a sense of humour might just help. Try it, you will like it.
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