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Old 02-14-2008, 12:07 PM   #10
Ronaldo is only editing this because Chris is a jackass
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Originally Posted by Evil Chris View Post
Why do you think this way Ron? Based on the way the media portrays him? Or do you know him personally?
See... you're caught up in it but at the same time you bitch about the media. So are you influenced by it or what?

Personally I don't give a damn. I can't believe the attention it's getting.
That's a good point and you're right. But thinking someone is a jerk based on how he behaves when there are cameras around is a little different than thinking he's guilty of a crime without knowing all the evidence. If I was on a jury and I thought he was a jerk, I'd still look at the evidence. If I was on a jury and had a preconceived notion that he was guilty, I'd have a biased look at the evidence. THAT'S what dangerous about the media today. Once you're convicted by the court of public opinion, there's no getting your reputation back...it's that simple. Like I said, even if they found him completely innocent tomorrow, his reputation is tarnished forever, because some people will refuse to believe it.
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