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Old 12-19-2002, 01:15 AM   #8
PhoneCash should edit this
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Originally posted by Vid Vicious
any friend of darins is a friend of mine .. welcum to the X

Tell me more about this Phone sex my Gerbil lovin friend is talkin about ...
ack! Gerbil loving?!? He neglected to tell me that! *hides the gerbils*

Welp...basically about the phone sex! *moansss* err...oh..well I have a new affiliate program! You can check my sig to read about it but I will tell you a bit here.

Been in business 3 years but all my employees basically do self promotions via chat rooms. We've done really good with that. So now, I have a new system installed, basically a virtual switchboard, so I can now transfer calls to a girls house.

The way it works, is I guess like any other phone sex affiliate, except to my knowledge they are resellers of the big companies, while I am the company =) We give you your own unique toll free number, which you can log in, check your stats etc...and you promote it, then make a per minute fee on it! The pay out is .84 cents per minute and all calls have a 10 minute minimum. So all billable calls are at LEAST 8.40 cents and up. *smile*

I'm finding doing the affiliate thing very time consuming, as everyone wants to pull you in different directions, and they want it when they want it!!! Kinda like a boyfriend *lol*

I don't have a problem spending time with people, explaining how I think they should do things, giving them the tools to do it..it's all a new experience for me. Luckily the affiliates I have thus far have been very forgiving as far as any glitches in the system...I consider myself very lucky as I heard they can be kinda tough.

We do everything live with our system which I think is one major thing that sets us a part from other companies. We do have a intro greeting, which is our own voices, and we HAVE to have this because it does take about a minute for the caller to get to a dispatcher, but we give him a lil taste and then he's connected to me or one of my girls who then takes his info and tries to make him feel comfortable, find out who he wants to talk to, or what his fantasy is, then send him on his way! I know it's a great program, I'm really confident in it...getting started is the hard part hehe!

I hope this was not considered spam...since you asked! I don't wanna be kicked out my first day

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