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Old 12-20-2002, 02:49 AM   #1
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Default There IS a Santa Claus!!!

CanYouMakeMePur: hi Santa
SantaClaus: Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! I'm here on AOL! :-) Everything we talk about here is between you and me! If you want to know more, you can type "privacy".
So, have you been naughty or nice?

CanYouMakeMePur: Oh Santa...I have been naughty :-(
SantaClaus: Oh dear! Well, there is still time to get on my good list. ;-) So, why don't you tell me how old you are and we'll get started.

CanYouMakeMePur: I'm 29
SantaClaus: ;-) O.K. so... to tell me what you want for Christmas, just type, "Ask Santa" and click the "Send" button. :-)

CanYouMakeMePur: Ask Santa
SantaClaus: O.K. I'm an old guy, so please give me one wish at a time. What would you like for Christmas?

CanYouMakeMePur: Okay Santa
SantaClaus: I suspect that's not all! ;-)

CanYouMakeMePur: I want...a good lover
SantaClaus: While everything I bring is made with lots of love, I can't actually bring love itself. That's up to you to find. ;-) Is there anything else you would like?

CanYouMakeMePur: Ummm 3 good lovers?
SantaClaus: Well, we don't make soul mates here at the workshop. Part of life's challenge is for you to find love for yourself. ;-) Is there anything else you would like?

CanYouMakeMePur: Well damn then...how about a BIG vibrator?
SantaClaus: My goodness. I'm afraid I cannot respond to that kind of talk.
A lump of coal for you. Please don't do it again or I won't be able to listen to your wishes. Is there anything else?

CanYouMakeMePur: Oh my! Santa..but that's not too much to ask is it?
SantaClaus: We have time for one more, what would your final Christmas wish be?

CanYouMakeMePur: an earth shattering orgasm!!!!
SantaClaus: Ho Ho Ho, sounds exquisite! ;-) What else is at the top of your list?

CanYouMakeMePur: Gosh...umm well...how about a stripper?
SantaClaus: What would your final Christmas wish be?

CanYouMakeMePur: lol
SantaClaus: Ho Ho Ho! :-) O.K. that's quite a list! Why don't you type, "song poll" and vote for your favorite holiday song.

CanYouMakeMePur: No
SantaClaus: O.K. Scrooge. Then type 'home' to try a fresh start.

CanYouMakeMePur: Hey!
SantaClaus: Hello my child. I'm glad you've come back. Have you had a chance to spread the holiday spirit to someone in need today?

CanYouMakeMePur: Mmmm I'm spreading alright
SantaClaus: Splendid.

CanYouMakeMePur: WIDE OPEN
SantaClaus: Though I speak every language in the world -- I cannot quite make out what you are trying to say. Why not take this pause and send a holiday greeting; type "holiday cards"

CanYouMakeMePur: grrrrr
SantaClaus: Wait, I was dancing to 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town' and got a little carried away. Why don't you type, "hear music" and sing along.

CanYouMakeMePur: lol
SantaClaus: Hee Hee.

CanYouMakeMePur: No
SantaClaus: O.K. then. Well, have a merry Christmas in any case.

CanYouMakeMePur: damnit
SantaClaus: Hmm, that's a lump of coal for you.

CanYouMakeMePur: No no
SantaClaus: Hmm. Why don't you type, "hear music", maybe some music will put you in the Christmas spirit :-)

CanYouMakeMePur: One more wish?
SantaClaus: Oh my, I have absolutely no idea what you just said. If you type "To Do" I can show you 10 easy steps to getting in the holiday spirit.

CanYouMakeMePur: one more thing!!!
SantaClaus: I'm sorry, I missed that. The elves are just overrunning me with questions. And speaking of elves, I'm sure they wouldn't mind if you asked me about them.

CanYouMakeMePur: Well do you have any sexy ones?
SantaClaus: What do you think?

CanYouMakeMePur: hehe
SantaClaus: I'm glad you are getting in the spirit!

CanYouMakeMePur: yes!
SantaClaus: Mm hm.

CanYouMakeMePur: Oh I like it when you moan
SantaClaus: You got it! That's great!

CanYouMakeMePur: hehe
SantaClaus: :-D Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! :-D

CanYouMakeMePur: what did you call me?
SantaClaus: I'm afraid you'll need to give me a little more to go on than that. What, what?

CanYouMakeMePur: WHAT did you call me?
SantaClaus: My goodness. What, what?

CanYouMakeMePur: a HO?
SantaClaus: I'm sorry? I'm new to this whole IM thing. :-D

CanYouMakeMePur: Grrrrr
SantaClaus: Excuse me?

CanYouMakeMePur: lol
SantaClaus: :-D Now I want you to spread that spirit everywhere you go today!

CanYouMakeMePur: Oh yessssssss I will spread...just for you!
SantaClaus: Wonderful!

CanYouMakeMePur: lol
SantaClaus: I'm glad I could make you smile. :-D

CanYouMakeMePur: I wanna make you smile...being that you only CUM once a year! Will you sneak in my bed Christmas eve?
SantaClaus: Whoa! Ho! Ho! slow down there! That's quite a lot for a man of my age to wrap his head around. Would you mind trying some shorter questions?

CanYouMakeMePur: you calling me fat?
SantaClaus: O.K. now, the folks at AOL are trying to help me out but I just cannot make any sense of that. Tell you what, type, "To Do". Christmas spirit in 10 easy steps.

CanYouMakeMePur: Santa!
SantaClaus: That's me! ;-) Did you already forget?

CanYouMakeMePur: No
SantaClaus: Mm hm. Such negativity. You are in need of some Christmas spirit!

CanYouMakeMePur: Well...then give me a GOOD LOVER darnit!
SantaClaus: Santa can't manufacture love, that's something only you can make. ;-) Is there anything else you would like?

CanYouMakeMePur: No!
SantaClaus: Ho Ho Ho! :-) O.K. that's plenty for Santa to go on. Why don't you type, "song poll" and vote for your favorite holiday song.

CanYouMakeMePur: Bye!
SantaClaus: Good bye and have a merry Christmas.

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