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Old 09-29-2008, 04:25 PM   #6
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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I intentionally go grocery shopping at odd hours and during the week because God help you if you go on a Saturday afternoon or Sunday morning. I made the mistake of doing that once before. I'm very patient and tolerant, but all be damned, a half hour in the store and I wanted to just go postal. People blocking isles, kids running wild, people pushing carts into you, and then the check-out lines are always fun.

It was like I went to the Post Office the other day. This woman was leaving and behind her was this woman with a stroller that had a sleeping baby in it and kid that was like 3 or 4 years old. The woman leaving never bothered to hold the door for this other woman with the little ones. Then, this guy starts wanting to come in while the door slammed in the woman's face with the kids. Do you think he could hold the door for her? Hell no. He just stood outside talking on his cell. So, I just walked over and told her I'll get the doors for her. She was like so appreciative and you could see the look of relief. I just felt bad for her since she had her hands full with the kids.
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