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Old 12-25-2002, 11:09 PM   #12
Fullcontactfighter should edit this
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Thanks Paul for looking out for me!

Hey Heqdvd,

First i must say...WOW...now that is what i call a reponse!.

To answer your questions, No, i am not the guy who ripped you off. I wish to make an honest buck just like the many on this site do.

Plus i do talk to real distributors. As of now, i only deal in Hustler products since i know some people that work for them. Ive found that although i sell only Hustler/ Kickass DVDs, i still can pull in a couple sales, not as many as i want. I am acutally now looking in the near future to purchase master copies and distribute myself.

As for my "comment" about the "whole porn industry", i am comparing many TGP sites and galleries that are present on the net. Once again, the question was, "Can Triple X DVDs stand up to free porn on the net?", why would someone pay money for 1 DVD when they can view .mpeg clips and pics of all type of niche that interests them by the means for free porn sites.

I have to agree about quality in regards to porn. Some of the sites offer choppy clips that don't look good.

Now, i know im going to get shafted for saying this, but we are in the porn industry, and when "it's" up..."IT"S UP", quality for many (unless you pay for it) does not come into play when their is a visitor that has one hand on the mouse and their other hand....well....you know . We are in the industry of turning on the individual so they can whip out their credit card and sign up or (in my case) purchase a DVD. On the average, a horny dude will most likely settle for anything. If the horny dude does not find what he wants in one site, he/ she will move on until they do, avoiding the fact of becoming a paid member.

Although, many do buy porn and do sign up for memberships, ofcourse, in our field, the challenge is how to do it!

But i do understand what you are saying! Thanks for your wonderful insight!

take care and Merry Christmas!!
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