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Old 01-15-2003, 12:18 PM   #20
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by Evil Chris
Feynman... funny you should mention the way French Canadian Catholics name their children.

They don't really do it like that anymore unless your family is really traditional or religious or both.

Quebec is a sociologically very peculiar place.

In less less than 50 years, from the beginning of the "révolution tranquille" to today, the society went from being completely controlled by the catholic church to a very open society where catholicism is only considered as a personnal choice, with virtually no power at the social level.

Attendance to churches fell dramatically, and callings to devote one's life to religion also disappeared. Nowadays, it is common to have one priest servicing 3 or 4 churches. Nobody wants to bother in becoming a priest. Monasteries and nunneries are empty. OK, I admit that we have churches all over the place, but it is quite a change from 50 years ago, when religion was the parallel power to government.

We also have seen the emergence of many cults and para-christian groups (Jehovas, etc) and para-religious groups (Raelians, etc) to fill the void left by the catholic church, but it is only a very limited phenomenon compared to the whole mass of population that was indoctrinated in the catholic church heydays.

The biggest "hole filler" of the void left by the catholic church is the the quebec National-Socialism philosophy and a certain collectivistic humanism which psycho-epistemological consequence is to define people as being one sheep of the herd

Even this is waning nowadays, when people gets confronted with real world reality.

The heavy immigration waves of the last half-century also contributed to the erosion of religious mores, by diluting the affiliations. Quebecers were pretty pliable, so they adapted pretty well to foreigners. Quebec is reputed among foreign visitors to be a very welcoming society.

The revolution started mainly as a backlash to a too restrictive catholic church.

It could partly explain why we have so much porn here.

Maybe we should thanks the Catholic church for it...

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