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Old 02-06-2003, 12:57 PM   #16
Pidgin should edit this
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Originally posted by Panky
[color=pink] You are dealing with a person. Human being. Everyone has their moments. The conversation was between the 2 of you and should stay between the 2 of you.
I agree - but what you will see from the conversation is I (as he) suggested that he/she contacts me at a later time. which he/she didn't. so its not a timely thing. Even ealing with a person - in business you should take care of that "human" side

Originally posted by Panky
Business, is business. It's the bottom line that counts. Personalities don't play a major role. Use your instincts. Only you can decide if this person or company is worth doing any business with.
Not entirely true. When you deal with a business you many times deal with the people on the other side. If they are "problematic" I better know about it. For that I need information. And I dont get it from thin air.

Originally posted by Panky
I could post and say, "This sponsor has increased my earnings by $200.00 a month." I could then receive 10 replies that say, "That sponsor sucks and cheats people...."
All things the same - if someone don't return calls for example - I bet you would want to know about that.

Originally posted by Panky
It's all a matter of personal opinion and experiences. If I'm making money from someone and can sleep at night, then I could care less if people hate that sponsor or the personality of the person I'm earning money from.
Sometimes its a matter of a right way to do business and treat people. I believe so.

As Gunner and Shann said - I maybe drom their identities (as I did so far).

But I think people have the right to know about other people in the industry. Its not a personal thing. I wasn't makng friends with him/her (the other guy/girl) - I was doing business (or trying to). So its not between the two of us.

I think so. Dont you?
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