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Old 02-12-2003, 11:59 AM   #5
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Default Re: Free speech OR pure hypocrisy ????

Originally posted by XXXManager
Porn industry - especially in the US clams to be the protectors of "Free speech", saying under the first amendment they should be given the right to express themselves.

What do YOU think? Is it the case OR is it pure hypocrisy and cynical use of free speech and a way to cover the fact it is actually all about money?
Please explain why you seem to imply that the making of money disqualifies the claim about defending personnal liberties ?

The desire to make money is the desire to lead a productive life as traders, an act of mutual consent between the traders.

Tell me why a de-facto authority who usurped the monopoly of legitimate use of violence for it's own purpose can take moral high ground and claim, for whatever alledged reason, a right to limit the consensual traders' freedoms to live and act as they wish among temselves?

Your basic premise is: the desire to make money disqualifies you morally.

My basic premise is: the absence of a desire to make money disqualifies you morally.

You have only four possible choices in life:

1- be a trader
2- be a beggar
3- be a looter
4- starve and become very dead

Please do pick your favorite.

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