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Thread: Do you snore?
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Old 09-16-2002, 11:49 AM   #22
LadySharlot should edit this
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Well, as much as I hate to admit it, I'm one of them damned people that can fall asleep nearly anywhere I can put my head down. And trains through the bedroom...?? Not a problem. I snore like crazy too. :-(

I have a touch of Sleep Apnea. My Dad has it also. He's gotten to the point where he has to wear a CPap--a little mask that forces air down him when he sleeps. People like mysefl (and Dad) can fall asleep quickly, often snore VERY loud, and are nearly always tired. We quit breathing while we're asleep, making for a very restless night.

Though a CPap is prolly in my future, for now though I have a prescription for "Nasonex" which is a nose spray that helps to open up my air-ways, knocking down the snoring (much the the relief of Spider) and helps me get a more restful nights sleep. )

So--listen to him and if he stops breathing during the night, and/or wants to fall asleep while driving or doing some mundane task, I would recommend a sleep doctor. (I finally went to see a doc when I had a dream that I died. And I don't mean that I woke up right before death--I actually dreamed that I DID die--and stayed in that dream for a few minutes afterwards too. Scared me right into a doctors office!!!

Lady Sharlot :-)
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