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Old 05-06-2003, 11:41 AM   #20
Feynman should edit this Edit
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I'm an absolute fan of The Matrix, cauz I only like NON-FICTION movies.

The Matrix is a metaphor on our legal/political system, with a second metaphor disguising it, and that is why it went through the censor board.
Never mind the fight scenes, they are cool, but largely irrelevant to the main message.

Do you remember the scene where Agent Smith holds Neo before the coming train, saying it has the sound of inevitability, and while speaking to Neo, he say "Mr. Anderson" to which Neo replies "MY name IS Neo!" and thus frees himself from the grip of the govt agent ? Ask yourself what is the use and what they do with your birth certificate after you're born.

Why is it that on your income tax form, on your driving licence, on every form of official paper, your name is written as DOE, JOHN and not - John of the Doe family- Why is it that without pieces of paper saying DOE, JOHN , the flesh and bone individual, the real living and productive entity named John, of the Doe family, is purported not to exist at all ???

WHAT IS the Matrix ?

I can't wait to see the new ideas brought forward in the new movie !
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