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Old 06-02-2003, 10:27 AM   #28
Mystery Man
Mystery Man should edit this
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Originally posted by =^..^=
We dont even have a son!!!!!!
get your facts straight


you have no idea of how we live, how our family interact and who the hell says our child will go to school anyway?- we have other options where we live
you have no idea how society works where we live.

as for just thinking of ourselves - we've taken a lot of thought over this -it isnt somethign we just decided to do on the spot

and since when did YOU care so much about children anyway?
last time i spoke to you - you were celebrarting murdering innocent children - so don't coem in here acting liek you're all so fuckign sweet and innocent and pointing the finger at us just because it suits your agenda

you said and I quote:

"mmmm I so want to comment on this one.... but I better not!

well maybe you should do what you say."
I said on your board that i wasnt gonna post there no more - and I didnt
shame that you cant do the same and do what you say instead of putting your foot in your mouth again and again
I don't see how a competition about when the war between Iraq and the US would start had anything to do with me celebrating the kills of innocent civilians. (For anyone interested you can go here and read about the contest I made some months ago.)

And I don't see how it changes anything whether you have a son or a daughter. In my eyes it still changes nothing, your child will always live in the shadow of what you did.
She will always be picked on because of what you did.

You can keep on living in your own little world with FH and maybe one day you will grow up and you'll come out and play with the rest of the world.

And Firehorse, please keep quiet the only thing you ever do is quote others as you somehow hope it will make you look better.
Last time I read a post from you it stated something like: Kitty has not been with another man since we started dating.

Guess that is about to change huh?

And how come you two always feel the need for lecturing people on the boards about how they conduct their business and about their morals and ethics too?
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