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Old 08-24-2003, 03:00 PM   #20
Seth should edit this
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 38
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Promoting it = Supporting it.

I make plenty of $ without supporting degradation, abuse, and non-consensual sex.

Perhaps when the industry starts behaving a little more responsibly, then the industry might be taken a little more seriously.
Exactly. That's why I/we never have and never will support, promote or link with such sites. There is too much other stuff out there to promote and make money from.

Not just the r*pe and date r*pe type sites, but IMO forced sex via blackmail/extortion is r*pe, also. Maybe not physical r*pe but emotional and/or mental r*pe. Leaving the woman feeling that he/they may come back at any time and demand more. Yes I know the sites aren't real, but if it gives ONE idiot out there the idea that it's ok. That's one to many.

Is it our responsibility to police these things? No. But it IS our choice and in the end... we as webmasters.... as human beings.... have to live with our choices and if we say no.... and don't support these sites.... they will fade away.
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