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Old 10-10-2003, 08:33 PM   #63
Feynman should edit this Edit
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Originally posted by StuartD
I'd have to say no.... don't do it.

If I was Ryan... I wouldn't want to know that there's naked pics of my mom floating around the net... much less a website where friends could go and see her naked... ya know?
That's a huge lot of fertilizer...

You do not know how Ryan will be, what values of individualism and self-thinking and healthy self image and respect of others his parents will have taught him down the years. That he will get subjected to pressure, maybe. But that he will wimper and be ravaged because of weak self-esteem is totally hypothetical.

I know kids who were raised with a pretty sane vision of sexuality and who would not tolerate any other kid making fun of them for such matter. They would simply refuse to get bothered or made feeling guilty by the idiots.

I trust Stef and Chris to raise their children pretty well.
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