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Old 12-11-2003, 12:19 AM   #4
Panky is the Queen of Mean
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  • Reliability / Stability

    Top-notch customer service, and 24/7 tech support that knows what they are doing.


    Bandwidth: If a client wants premium, give it to them, but at a reasonable and competitive price. Bandwidth is a major issue. Work with the client on exactly what they will need to start and then be able accomodate them as they grow.

    Being able to work with a client on what they need. Offering packages is fine. For others, they are going to want to customize. Be able to have the skill to evaluate what this person needs, and then put together a package that best suits them. Hardware, software, OS, scripts, bandwidth, speed, security...

    Programmer(s): Either have someone in house, people you source out to, or recommendations. Scripts may need to be installed, or troubleshooting when errors occur. Not just CGI scripts either. You can offer scripts for people according to what they will be using the server for. TGP/MGP, members areas, link exchanges, bulk emailing, msg. board, advertising...

    C-Panel or something similar is helpful for some webmasters. They can add domains, add email... and they don't need to contact tech support to do simple tasks they can do themselves.

Hosting is very competitive. You need to make a profit. It's a business. At the same time, offer pricing that is reasonable. Webmasters will refer other webmasters if they know they are getting the tech support, customer service, and a good deal for their set-up.

Each webmaster has different priorities. For example, some will pay a few cents more for the same bandwidth from you than they would a competitor because they know their server stays connected and your tech support is top notch. They may get good deals from a competitor, but if they have too much down time, or scripts won't work, or various other headaches, the client loses a hell of a lot more than just what they saved by choosing a competitor.
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