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Old 03-11-2004, 06:59 AM   #25
chodadog should edit this
Citizen X
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Anyways. Some of you might wonder why i'm even involved in this. I wasn't involved in any of the dealings. A friend of mine was. Bhutocracy designed the Techie Media website, as well as some other work. Let me give you some details about how the deal went down.

Hungryman got the job to do the techie media website, and contacted bhutocracy to do it for him. By the way, this was apparently because he didn't have enough time to do the work on his own, 'cause he had so much work, but given his financial status, i think it's safe to assume that this is a bunch of bollocks, and the real reason is that he is a hack designer.

Anyways. Hungry tells Bhuto that the design is going to cost 1000 dollars, and his cut will be 500 dollars, as per their 50/50 arrangement.

Hungryman charges techie media 2500 bucks for the job. Pretty fucking shady, huh? How does bhutocracy know this? Because Jim/Lightning told him so. That's how. When Jim contacted bhutocracy to update one of the flash pieces, bhuto asked when jim was going to pay for the job, 'cause he hadn't been paid yet, and had obviously assumed that HM hadn't been paid either. This is when Jim informs bhuto that he has in fact paid HM... the full $2500.

Oh, and don't forget the bonus that Jim paid Hungryman 'cause he liked the site so much. Of course, hungry didn't mention that to Andrew.

So now you've probably realised how much of a thieving fuckwit Paul really is. Christ, 500 bucks out of $2500+ when they had a 50/50 arrangement? That's fucking outrageous! But wait, it gets worse.

Bhutocracy never even received the $500.

Not one cent out of over $2500.

To this day, the work that bhutocracy did for Hungryman is still in paysitedesign.com's portfolio. I can see Paul's reluctance to remove the work. The techie media website is far and away one of the best items in the portfolio.

Hungryman will tell you a bunch of lies. He'll tell you that bhutocracy only did the flash, but bhutocracy has the original PSD files. All Hungryman did was take the sliced images and flash files that bhuto made, and whack them together in HTML, which any ape can do. No more than half an hours worth of work. Possibly an hour if you're mildly retarded.

For that, he thinks he's entitled to over $2500.

For Hungry's story to be true, both bhutocracy and jim/lightning must be lying. Both of them are successful and respected. Jim has no possible reason to lie, as he has nothing to lose or to gain from the situation. He is a completely innocent party.

Time to 'fess up, hungryman. Your lies don't add up.
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