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Old 03-15-2004, 04:37 AM   #3
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Default Re: Traffic jump start

Originally posted by Gruntled

What's your best traffic starter for a new site? Do you just buy the traffic, or make a bunch of galleries and play the TGP game, try to do SE positioning, or what?

I'm just wondering what everyone feels works best.

Hi Gruntled.. first have you a plan on how much traffic you want
to have per day and what your business model is for the future?

second.. would you rather post to tpg's or make avs sites? and feed your tgp with exit traffic from your avs site as can find out some pretty dam good ways of building traffic by reviewing some of the information at twinkley's site http://www.theadultwebmaster.com I must say that i have learnt alot from that site.

lastly, I can remember hearing on maxcashlive sleazy quoted a saying.

I strongly advise if I may Gruntled. Think first about what you can spend on traffic before you jump straight into buying your traffic.
It comes at a price and treat this traffic you buy if you go that way as gold, dont flush it down the toilet so to speak, talk it over with your well trusted pals on icq or where ever before you do..

But I must say, its dam great to see a person such as yourself wanting advise from xnations...

have fun.
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