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Old 04-17-2004, 09:01 AM   #30
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Default Re: affiliate questions of sort

Originally posted by LindaMight
We are going to actually make about ten galleries of 15 pictures each with themes and that is what we will offer our affiliates at this point. Being new to this affiliate scene and not seeing a whole lot of revenue so far except from one, we are skeptical that they even work but we are doing our best to do everything right and have the "stuff" affiliates need.

Some people have said to join things like mega cash, etc. etc. and I have no idea what they are or what I would gain from joining. I am really in the dark on this one. I have read gallerytrafficservice.com and actually I still don't know what I am supposed to do with it.

Are you all getting tired of me "not knowing" enough?


I can't answer for gallerytrafficservice, but I can say that they can supply you with a banner placement on the various sites in the various packages found at gallerytrafficservice. This would mean that you would not need to increase your content for webmasters and also you will not need to share the 50% members subscription as a banner add will bring new potential surfers to your site.

Chris suggested that to join triplexcash to view the workings of the webmaster area so you can see the methods used in today's high demand for time saving webmaster tools.

And no, personaly I am not tired of you and can offer free advise on any information that might arrise and share with you some sites that have helped me along the way, like you might find some useful information when using the search tab located top right on xnations.

For starters, I have noticed that your site is well listed in google and this is a big bonus if you havnt already noticed. You have a close focus on your goals and I'm sure you know your specialty in this business and you do that very well.

Until we speak, have a great day!

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