X Nations - View Single Post - I blame this on ALL Canadians!
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Old 05-28-2004, 12:43 PM   #10
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Originally posted by Rochard
I was afraid of this. I'm getting old.

Men Without Hats sang one of the worst songs of the 80's called "Safety Dance". It's a classic.

I just found it they were a Canadian band - didn't know that - and thought I'd come over to X Nations and have some fun with it.

Am I that old?
Why was it "one of the worst" ? IIRC, people liked it, people danced on it, etc.

What makes it "one of the worst" ? I can think of a lot of others that were much worst.

Ever heard Céline Dion's "une colombe est partie en voyage", the song that she sung when the Pope visited Montreal?

I know that darn song because during my university days, the 11 years old girl living next door from me in my cheap appartment was signing it ten times a day, off pitch and all. THAT's a worst song...
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