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Old 07-02-2004, 09:27 PM   #10
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Default Re: Re: Re: Thank you FB and EC once again!

Originally posted by sweet7
I don't know what I'm going to use it for. Any ideas?

You could buy a really large tub of icecream, (Make sure it is really cold)
Buy a block of the finest chocolate that Canada has to offer, heat over a pot, of water, dont place the chocolate into the pot, use a stainless bowl and sit it ontop or in the boiling water. (this will melt the chocolate really nice) Next place some freshly hot melted chocolate around a large brandy glass, in a spiral shape up the inside of the glass. (any shape you can think of Remember the bigger the glass the better)

Then using a spoon that has been pre headed in the hot water scoop out balls of icecream and place them into the glass.

Next to your liking add a strawberry and or some berry's to the icecream balls (blue berries work well)

Next using the spoon again add some melted chocolate over the top in a thin line sort of way.

Now if you are picky as i am, you would have not melted all the chocolate and instead graded some for the final touch.
(you can also use a flake)
Just thinking about 1 idea Sweet =), I have a few more but Im sure you will put it to very good use!
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