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Old 09-06-2004, 04:45 PM   #9
pf69.com should edit this
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Originally posted by monaro
I took a few moments to take a look at your site and if you don't mind, I shall give you my review.

The name is catchy in its self. First thought I would see something to increase the size of womans breasts. After entering the site, it is then realised that it is for men to be able to increase the size of their penis. okay you have choosen to sell pills. Okay Great.

About your site. The left main menu..
The text you are using for your "home" .. this could be changed to the Product name or "Bigger4Woman", as this is the href link that it points to. SE dont know this and would think your linking to a site about home's (my thinking anyway)
Meaning supply the text that the link is in reference towards.

The way you have the links on the left are nicely set so yes that is understandable.

With the "the web links" you could change this to "Other Penis Solutions" or something like "Penis Web Links" As to myself it looks as if your starting a directory with the way you presently set your site out. Which is great. Tho personaly I stick away from php pages inside a directory as the SE tend not to craw a php site.
(again my own way of thinking)

The picture of the blue http browser window, not too clear on what frame of mind are you tring to present to your surfers by useing this sort of pic. My main focus would be putting my surfer into a level of thinking that they need to increase their penis size.

ie, your main present product is ProSolution Pills, and if you want to set the mood tempo of your site, other changes can allow you to do so.
Focus on sending a message to a male surfer to sell them on their Low self-esteem
hence the mention of the blue pic you have.
There are a few ways this feeling that can be acomplished and some can be via pictures. Eg; A picture of a large penis is not really going to cut it, tho a picture of a man standing with a limp or small penis with a woman standing behind him folding her arms could generate the mood you would need to set to sell them on the Low self-esteem. Like teasing in reverse. Make a man feel that he has a small dick, even when he has an average size works. Can you understand the sales pitch?
The site has alot of good aspects and to sharpen just a few things would turn your site into a top seller.

One last thing i reviewed was your meta tags, you might need to do some work on them. Let me know if you need any help on this, I would be more than happy to help out.

Have a great day

That is what I call a review!
thanks for it!
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