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Old 09-13-2004, 07:48 AM   #8
Tam is here
Rude Bitch
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Hell yes I deleted your post....... and you want to know WHY I deleted your post? BECAUSE YOU WERE BANNED MONTHS AGO!!!!! That wasn't going to stop you though, was it? You thought you would be slick and register a new nick and come back and post anyway. You could have posted anything from spam to god only knows what and I would have deleted it...... I DO NOT CARE what you post or how many times you register on my board, I WILL delete it and I WILL ban you again and again and again. We were very patient with you and I have yet to ban even one more person BESIDES you since I have had that board up. YOU are the only one ever banned there.

So what do YOU do? You page me on icq and call me every name in the book like the fucking 2 yr old you are, calling me a swine fucking bitch, you hope I die, I am not your boss, and god only knows what all and then you TRULY expect me to have any kind of compassion or any patience with you at all??? I think NOT.

You can register a new nick everyday and you can do whatever you want, but I can promise you this, I will ban you each and every single time.

The way you spoke to me today on ICQ only insured that you will NEVER be allowed on my board or anything else I own for the duration of MY stay in this industry. It is extreme cases that bring out this kind of hatred in me and you have hit each and every single one of them...go ahead and act all pitiful like you matter to anyone, you don't. Go ahead and come and whine to the masses like they are going to ban together with you and do bad things to me, go ahead and kid yourself that ANYONE cares..... because that's what you are doing, you act like anyone cares.

I KNOW I am a bitch, and yes I am proud of it, DAMN proud of it, so please stop acting like this is some newsflash, because it isn't. Find something better to do with your life, because what you are doing, or trying to do to me, isn't working.

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